Analytics Detail Events released to beta!

The day is finally here - Analytics Detail Events are now available in the EventBridge beta. To subscribe to these events, please navigate to Admin>Integrations, open your EventBridge integration, and click on Configure. In Topic Filtering, search for "details" and subscribe away!

As a reminder, you can see the full event schema for each of the ADEs here.


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hi Becky, we have interest in this. Question...

  1. Is this the integration model you refer to?

I hope to hear from you soon

thanks, Rogier


Replying as my US colleagues are out of office this end of week (Thanksgiving break).

If your question is about the Integration that you would need to add/configure in the Genesys Cloud Desktop - Admin UI (under "Integrations" section - selecting "Integrations" link), the answer is no.
The Amazon EventBridge integration is still in Beta - it will be released soon.
Once released, you should see an available integration named "Amazon EventBridge Source" that you can add and activate (in Admin - under "Integrations" section - selecting "Integrations" link - clicking on "+ Integrations" button on the top right of the page).

Information on the the Amazon EventBridge integration is available here.
Becky also provided a set of answers to FAQs on the Dev Forum.

If your question is about the integration, from an architecture and involved components perspective, the answer is yes.

The AWS EventBridge - Create a PagerDuty Incident and the AWS EventBridge - Write user presence updates to DynamoDB are free blueprints (examples) made available on the AppFoundry site, that indeed leverage the "Amazon EventBridge Source" integration.
The use of Lambda and DynamoDB is of course not related to the integration with Genesys Cloud - this is to show an end-to-end use of the integration (in this case, storing the information received from Genesys Cloud in a NoSQL DB).

If you click on "Get it Now" on the AppFoundry site (once logged in on AppFoundry site), it will provide a link to the github repository where the source code of the example is.
You can also find information on these two blueprints on the Developer Center: here and here

Hope this answers your question.


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