Open Data Exporter: api - Bad Chat, no permissions, skipping

We are using Open Data Exporter to get the Chat Details. The request type used is getChatDetails.
Unfortunately we often encounter the following error, stopping the export:

[2021-12-01T13:02:05.841] [TRACE] executor - getChatDetails:Getting 443 more chats...
[2021-12-01T13:02:06.072] [TRACE] executor - getChatDetails:Getting 442 more chats...
[2021-12-01T13:02:06.161] [INFO] api - Bad Chat, no permissions, skipping..

My first assumption is that a right is missing. But what right would be missing then?
Or maybe we are using the wrong request, executing the wrong API?

Thanks a lot in advance!

Are these traces coming from code you've written for your jobs/templates? I'm having trouble relating those traces to anything in the main codebase.

If you run the app with the /debugAPI parameter, it should trace out verbose details about each API request it's making. That parameter is documented here:

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