Apache velocity #foreach in successTemplate


I'm wondering if the velocity #foreach-statement is disabled in genesys cloud?
I'm trying to use it to condense a few values from an array of objects in the data actions RawResponse to a single string.

When I tested my DA I got an error stating "Template validation failed for 'config.response.successTemplate'. Details: '#foreach' directive is not allowed in templates." which is kind of a strong hint, but I thought I'd ask since the documentation at Response configuration for data actions - Genesys Cloud Resource Center links to Apache Velocity Engine VTL Reference and has no information about which directives are disabled from that reference.


Hi Hakan_Andersson,

The short answer is that we did intentionally disable #foreach. I am entering a story right now for us to better document disabled velocity tools.


allright, thanks for that statement! :slight_smile:

best regards

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