We use the .Net API behind a proxy server. This proxy server inserts an additional Via header into the response. This means that the API client can no longer process the response (An item with the same key has already been added Key: Via) I have looked at the whole thing in the API client. There are several places where the response.Headers? is converted into a dictionary. This place would have to be adapted as follows:
Configuration.Logger.Trace(method.ToString(), url, postBody, (int)response.StatusCode, headerParams,
.GroupBy(header => header.GetType().GetProperty("Name")?.GetValue(header)?.ToString())
group => group.Key,
group => string.Join(",", group.Select(header => header.GetType().GetProperty("Value")?.GetValue(header)?.ToString()))
?? new Dictionary<string, string>());
e.g. in line 265 in APIClient.cs
I would be happy about an adjustment.