Archy error 116

Hi, keep getting error below with Archy setup. Thanks.

2022-09-01T13:03:58.622Z: [INFO]
2022-09-01T13:03:58.622Z: [INFO] startup Mode: Using client ID and secret. Treating as client credentials grant.
2022-09-01T13:03:58.623Z: [INFO]
2022-09-01T13:03:58.623Z: [DEBUG] - setting session status to 'running'.e[36m -- [ArchSession, ArchSessionId:'SyxnpmC1i']e[39m
2022-09-01T13:03:58.623Z: [DEBUG] - architect scripting version: 0.31.0e[36m -- [ArchSession, ArchSessionId:'SyxnpmC1i']e[39m
2022-09-01T13:03:58.623Z: [DEBUG] - core environment configuration. env: 'prod', host: '', region: 'us-west-2', clientId: '35390090-737b-4aa5-bfaa-605cdeb655a4', clientSecret: 'HANDLE CLIENT SECRETS LIKE PASSWORDS', isClientCredentialsOAuthClient: 'true'e[36m -- [ArchSession, ArchSessionId:'SyxnpmC1i']e[39m
2022-09-01T13:03:58.623Z: [DEBUG] - getting discovery properties...e[36m -- [ArchSession, ArchSessionId:'SyxnpmC1i']e[39m
2022-09-01T13:03:58.624Z: [DEBUG] - calling urle[36m -- [GET::]e[39m
2022-09-01T13:03:58.696Z: [ERROR] - ERROR! Unable to read discovery properties. Exception info: {"isRequestError":true,"response":{"code":"SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN"},"status":0,"statusText":"","name":"Request Error","message":"self signed certificate in certificate chain (SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN)","code":"SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN","isAborted":false} ending the Session. Setting the exit code to 99.e[36m -- [ArchSession, Environment:'prod', Host:'', Region:'us-west-2', ArchSessionId:'SyxnpmC1i']e[39m
2022-09-01T13:03:58.696Z: [DEBUG] - waiting for any pending work to complete before ending the sessione[36m -- [ArchSession, Environment:'prod', Host:'', Region:'us-west-2', ArchSessionId:'SyxnpmC1i']e[39m
2022-09-01T13:03:58.696Z: [DEBUG] - setting session status to 'ended'.e[36m -- [ArchSession, Environment:'prod', Host:'', Region:'us-west-2', ArchSessionId:'SyxnpmC1i']e[39m
2022-09-01T13:03:58.696Z: [DEBUG] - waiting for any pending work to complete before ending the sessione[36m -- [ArchSession, Environment:'prod', Host:'', Region:'us-west-2', ArchSessionId:'SyxnpmC1i']e[39m
2022-09-01T13:03:58.697Z: [DEBUG] - ending with exit code: 99e[36m -- [ArchSession, Environment:'prod', Host:'', Region:'us-west-2', ArchSessionId:'SyxnpmC1i']e[39m
2022-09-01T13:03:58.697Z: [DEBUG] - the session is ending but is not configured to terminate the process in which it is running.e[36m -- [ArchSession, Environment:'prod', Host:'', Region:'us-west-2', ArchSessionId:'SyxnpmC1i']e[39m
2022-09-01T13:03:58.697Z: [DEBUG] - resolving session start promise.e[36m -- [ArchSession, Environment:'prod', Host:'', Region:'us-west-2', ArchSessionId:'SyxnpmC1i']e[39m
2022-09-01T13:03:58.698Z: [ERROR] setting the Archy exit code to 116
2022-09-01T13:03:58.699Z: [ERROR] An error occurred.
2022-09-01T13:03:58.701Z: [INFO]
2022-09-01T13:03:58.701Z: [INFO]
2022-09-01T13:03:58.702Z: [INFO] *****************************************************************************************
2022-09-01T13:03:58.703Z: [INFO] Archy - Architect Yaml Flow Processor ver. 2.12.0 - Failure
2022-09-01T13:03:58.704Z: [INFO] *****************************************************************************************
2022-09-01T13:03:58.705Z: [INFO] DateTime: Thu Sep 01 2022 09:03:58 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
2022-09-01T13:03:58.706Z: [INFO]
2022-09-01T13:03:58.706Z: [INFO] Summary
2022-09-01T13:03:58.707Z: [INFO]
2022-09-01T13:03:58.709Z: [INFO] Command: 'setup'
2022-09-01T13:03:58.713Z: [INFO]
2022-09-01T13:03:58.713Z: [INFO] Configuration Settings File
2022-09-01T13:03:58.714Z: [INFO] C:\Users\Administrator.archy_config
2022-09-01T13:03:58.715Z: [ERROR] unable to authenticate with the supplied client ID and secret. Are they valid and is the OAuth client set up with a client credentials grant?
2022-09-01T13:03:58.715Z: [INFO]
2022-09-01T13:03:58.716Z: [ERROR] error(s) encountered.
2022-09-01T13:03:58.717Z: [ERROR] - Architect Scripting errors will be listed above.
2022-09-01T13:03:58.719Z: [INFO]
2022-09-01T13:03:58.720Z: [INFO] Log: C:\Users\Matthew.Raleigh.gc\Archy\archyHome\debug\archy-debug-2022-09-01T13.03.36.269Z.txt
2022-09-01T13:03:58.778Z: [INFO] did not fetch versions successfully ( attempt 1 out of 3 ), retrying.
2022-09-01T13:03:59.781Z: [DEBUG] version fetch error: Error: self signed certificate in certificate chain
2022-09-01T13:03:59.782Z: [INFO] execution complete.
2022-09-01T13:03:59.783Z: [ERROR]
2022-09-01T13:03:59.784Z: [ERROR] exit code: 116
2022-09-01T13:03:59.784Z: [INFO]

Hi Matthew_Raleigh,

Thanks for posting this issue. One thing to note, however, is that it seems like you had accidentally included your client secret in this forum post. We redacted the value from the post, but in the future remember to always handle client secrets like passwords. I would also advise that you review your system for any unauthorized access since the credentials have been leaked and also regenerate your client secret immediately to avoid any further exposure. I'll follow up on the issue you reported in another reply.



It looks like the issue is that Archy is unable to access the url with the following error:

ERROR! Unable to read discovery properties. Exception info: {"isRequestError":true,"response":{"code":"SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN"},"status":0,"statusText":"","name":"Request Error","message":"self signed certificate in certificate chain (SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN)","code":"SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN","isAborted":false}

Are you able to access this URL at all from your command prompt/terminal outside of Archy? Or, can you reach that URL in your browser?

This dev forum post Archy authentication failing since this morning - #3 by JDunn had the same Unable to read discovery properties error that you are seeing and has some additional troubleshooting information that you could make try as well.

Also, does the environment that you are using Archy on happen to use a proxy at all? Per this info on the Archy FAQ page, Archy does not currently support proxy configurations at this time.

From what I can tell here, it seems like there may be something going on at the network level just in regards to the self signed certificate in certificate chain error from above, especially because there was another error at the bottom when attempting to fetch the versions of Archy available

2022-09-01T13:03:58.778Z: [INFO] did not fetch versions successfully ( attempt 1 out of 3 ), retrying.
2022-09-01T13:03:59.781Z: [DEBUG] version fetch error: Error: self signed certificate in certificate chain

and getting that same self signed certificate in certificate chain.


Jon, thanks for your reply.

I feel it is a networking issue. I will give it a try off network.

Thanks, again