We have been attempting to integrate the authenticated messenger with our app, which uses Azure AD B2C and MSAL. We have followed the guidance at: https://developer.genesys.cloud/blueprints/messenger-authentication-okta-integration-blueprint/ (adapting for B2C) and have successfully started an authenticated chat with the app type set as 'Web'.
Unfortunately, we have not been able to launch an authenticated session when using the SPA app type in B2C.
Beyond including the 'codeVerifier' property on the register JS command, are there any other changes required in Genesys or the JavaScript file when changing from Web to SPA auth flows?
Second question, it does not seem possible to access or supply our own code challenge or code verifier when using the MSAL library (as per Customize code_challenge and code_challenge_method · Issue #5427 · AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-js · GitHub), has anyone been able to get authenticated messenger to work with MSAL?