Can we download Dual Channel Audio as a single file?

According to these docs for the Dual Channel setting. When Dual Channel Recording is enabled at the trunk level, Genesys will save each channel of the recording in a separate stream. The system uses audio channel 0 to save the external participant recording and audio channel 1 to save the internal participant recording resulting in two separate files containing the final recording, one for the agent and another for the caller.

ie, when Dual channel recording is enabled, if we call /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/recordings each recording in the response will have two audio files in the "mediaUris" array (one link to the agent audio and a second link for the caller audio)

Is there any way to combine these two files and get back a single file with both streams combined (while Dual Channel Recording is enabled)?

NOTE: We're aware that disabling Dual Channel Recording would result in one saved file, however, in this case we have a need to keep Dual Channel Recording enabled but also receive the audio streams in a single combined file.

Unless something has changed recently if you use the Batch Download API the files are combined into a single.

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