Cookies / MFA Issue with external application

I'm an external vendor that integrates into Genesys Cloud for Agent Assist functionality.

We use Oauth to connect to the conversation API and an Oauth to allow the users to login to our platform automatically through purecloud. Essentially the workflow is:

  • Interaction Widget appears
  • Login page for our application appears (if user hasn't logged in already)
  • User presses 'Login with Genesys'
  • User logs in and the widget connects to the conversation.

I'm currently having a strange issue with a customer where everything works fine in the web application, however when using the desktop version of Genesys, it forces them to re-login every interaction using MFA with Genesys (very time consuming). All browsers seem to work fine, it's just the desktop app causing issues.

I asked them to login manually to see if the session persists (e.g. no oauth) but it still asks them to login for each interaction.

I'm not sure if something has changed somewhere or if it's a permission issue, but hoping someone can steer me in the right direction

Hi, please open a case with Genesys Cloud Care to report issues with the Genesys Cloud Desktop Client. While a discussion about your integration itself would be appropriate for this forum, the behavior of the base product and auth services falls under product support. Isolating the issue to the desktop client is very helpful because it largely rules out an issue with your application; there aren't bespoke OAuth implementations per browser.

To share a bit of technical detail, a user is prompted for credentials when they do not have a valid auth cookie. The situation you are describing matches this. Since you're not the owner of the browser runtime that would control cookie usage, working with Care is required to investigate the base product's behavior in that regard.

Thanks Tim - the customer tried that and got the run around, so I guess i'll try on my end. Only issue is that it seems to be fairly urgent so was hoping it might just be a cookie issue etc given all the changes Chromium seems to be making. And if so, whether there was a workaround atm

If you can drop me the case number, I'll take a look and ask for it to be escalated. It sounds like this is impacting your agents' workflow and causing delays for them to be able to handle calls. Make sure that's been stated to Care so it is appropriately prioritized as a business impacting issue.