Error Data Actions $expand


Good morning,

I am trying to replicate the GET of this webservices that I have running in postman to genesys, and I get this error, in postman the only thing that is added is in params:


And everything works fine, but in genesys gives me this error, can you help me? Thank you very much
PS: The credentials are correct

Error Data Actions

"message": "Substitution values invalid in action config. Variable $expand has not been set at UrlTemplate[line 1, column 147] A common reason for this error is needing to prepend the variable with 'input.' or 'credentials.'",
"code": "invalid.substitution",
"status": 400,
"messageParams": {},
"contextId": "28d6903d-d332-4ce3-b067-e0d1f1556b7d",
"details": [
"errors": []


$ is a keyword (for velocity) so you need to escape it.
In your requestUrlTemplate, replace "$expand" with "${esc.dollar}expand".


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It worked correctly Jerome, thank you very much

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