Facing issue with Wrap up code API in Java sdk

I am developing a custom solution in Eclipse using Java SDKs to get wrap up code name by passing wrap up code ID as input.

I will get the wrap up code ID using the API "/api/v2/analytics/conversations/details/query"

Then I am using the API to get wrap up code name "/api/v2/routing/wrapupcodes/{codeId}". But Java SDK of wrapup code API is giving error stating

"com.mypurecloud.sdk.v2.ApiException: error
at com.mypurecloud.sdk.v2.ApiClient.interpretConnectorResponse(ApiClient.java:705)
at com.mypurecloud.sdk.v2.ApiClient.getAPIResponse(ApiClient.java:757)
at com.mypurecloud.sdk.v2.ApiClient.invoke(ApiClient.java:868)
at com.mypurecloud.sdk.v2.api.RoutingApi.getRoutingWrapupcode(RoutingApi.java:6121)
at com.mypurecloud.sdk.v2.api.RoutingApi.getRoutingWrapupcode(RoutingApi.java:6090)
at Dollar_Tree.Dollar_Tree_1.Real_Time_Data.main(Real_Time_Data.java:406)"

The API is giving output for half of the conversation IDs and for reaming it is throwing error message like this.

I am using the code as below,

								WrapupCodeID= conversationlist.get(k).getParticipants().get(j).getSessions().get(0).getSegments().get(m).getWrapUpCode();
								WrapupCode wrapupcodename = routingapi.getRoutingWrapupcode(WrapupCodeID);
								//g Setting WrapupcodeNote array

Could you please help me with this issue?

What's the error body?

Hi Tim,

I am invoking this API as a part of my Java code in Eclipse. I got the below error,

"com.mypurecloud.sdk.v2.ApiException: error
at com.mypurecloud.sdk.v2.ApiClient.interpretConnectorResponse(ApiClient.java:705)
at com.mypurecloud.sdk.v2.ApiClient.getAPIResponse(ApiClient.java:757)
at com.mypurecloud.sdk.v2.ApiClient.invoke(ApiClient.java:868)
at com.mypurecloud.sdk.v2.api.RoutingApi.getRoutingWrapupcode(RoutingApi.java:6121)
at com.mypurecloud.sdk.v2.api.RoutingApi.getRoutingWrapupcode(RoutingApi.java:6090)
at Dollar_Tree.Dollar_Tree_1.Real_Time_Data.main(Real_Time_Data.java:406)

I am getting error at Line 406.
My custom solution works as below:
Step 1: Use API /api/v2/analytics/conversations/details/query to get conversation IDs and wrapup code IDs recorded during an interval
Step 2: Use the API "/api/v2/routing/wrapupcodes/{codeId}"to get wrap up code name by passing wrap up IDs as input

I am facing error at step 2. When I set short intervals for step 1 (for instance one hour interval), I am getting all the wrap up code names in step 2. But when I set large interval like 4 hours or 6 hours, I get wrap up code name for few wrap up IDs and then the API strucks gives error response.

I am not sure why the wrap up code API gives response for some data at the starting point and then gives error for rest.

In the below screenshot, I was getting wrap up name for few IDs and suddenly error message pops. So I would like to know is there any limit for the wrap up code API

Can you share the error body please? ApiException.getRawBody()

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