Failed Web Services 403


Could you guide me as to why this error? Thank you very much

"message": "You are not authorized to perform the requested action.",
"code": "not.authorized",
"status": 403,
"messageParams": {},
"contextId": "5855ddc9-9b9f-4f65-99df-03fc45a34e9f",
"details": [
"errors": [
"message": "REST call for action execute failed. Message: Request to backend service failed. Response from web service: {"message":"'eyJraWQiOiJy**********pLN4tD3p0TA' not a valid key=value pair (missing equal-sign) in Authorization header: 'Bearer eyJraWQiOiJy********N4tD3p0TA'."} [5855ddc9-9b9f-4f65-99df-03fc45a34e9f]",
"status": 403,
"messageParams": {},
"details": [],
"errors": []

This part of the error response seems key, but I don't know what it is supposed to mean.

This also looks like authentication information so I am redacting parts of your post, but you should probably regenerate this credential ASAP.


Hi Jason,
I attach the data action, this is how I have configured it, it seems strange to me that it is from the configured authorization since it works well. It may be that they have to give us permissions in the /api/sms path?

Thank you
testgrua-20220506140555.custom.json (1.6 KB)

For situations like this I would always suggest going back to something like postman to verify you can get the endpoint working, and then go from there.

If this is working in postman then you should check the troubleshooting guide.
web services tab -> custom action fails for unexpected reason


Hello, Inspecting the api request, it gives status error: CORS error and type: fetch has been blocked by CORS policy: Request header field countryid is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers in preflight response.

This is a client webservice problem, right? Thank you

Hello, I already solved it, it was a failure of the client's web service, on the other hand now I find that the "&" character in genesys gives me an error, is there another way to analyze this data?

Hi kike,

Can you give me an example of a configuration where an & is causing you a problem?


Hi Jason, I fixed it. Thank you very much

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