Fetching Contact Information Along With Call History

Campaigns are created through contactLists rather than external contacts, so I want to clarify that I mean "contactId", not "externalContactId".

I have requirements to gather the information of all the contacts we called during a campaign. Specifically I need to grab the time the call disconnected, the wrap-up code, and an identifier for the contact we called.

I know it is possible to get the first two, but I am unsure of how I can get an identifier for the contacts. Contacts can have custom columns, is there a way we can link a customer whom we called back to a contact in our contact list so we can identify exactly who we called?
ParticipantId comes back from the GET /api/v2/conversations/calls/history and the POST/api/v2/analytics/conversations/details/query endpoints, but participantID is unique to every conversation so it would not link back to a contactID.

Is this possible? Thanks!

POST /api/v2/analytics/conversations/details/query

outboundContactId from segment filter.
you may also be interested in outboundCampaignId & outboundContactListId

The Interaction contains a field Contact ID which is the key "inin-outbound-id" in the call list.
This might help to link the two to get the info you need.

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