Getting evaluations from yesterday


We are trying to extract all evaluations data. We were planning on using /api/v2/analytics/conversations/details/query
and filtering for conversations that have an evaluation. However, if a conversation occurs and then there is not an evaluation for a few days we would have to keep checking to see if any new evaluations have occured for previous dates.

Is there a way to get say all the evaluations that occured yesterday?


You might try GET /api/v2/quality/evaluations/query and set the start and end time parameters and see if that gets you what you're looking for.

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Thanks Tim,

We were thinking about that, but it requires a conversationId, agentUserId, evaluatorUserId, or agentTeamId. Just trying to see if there's a way to get the data from yesterday without providing these or having to iterate through them all.

Just realised we can use /api/v2/analytics/evaluations/aggregates/query to get the evaluations from yesterday and the data we need. They're really useful endpoints just took me a while to understand how to use them.

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