How to download the chat transcript in genesys web messaging?


I'm looking for an option to download the chat transcript from the genesys web messaging (Admin panel configured UI). Is there any API we can call to or any commands/event available to access the chat transcript?

You can use this API to get the transcript: You'll need both the Conversation ID and the Communication ID to obtain that.

Or you can use the Recording API: The recording of a web messaging conversation is just the transcript. The recording API will return you a signed S3 URL and then you can go pull down the transcript of the conversation from S3.

@crespino , Can you tell me from where can i obtain the conversation ID to pass it in the parameter?

i'm awaiting your response on this! Do we need auth token and then hit API? or just the conversation ID is enough to fetch the chat transcript?

If so, how can I obtain the chat transcript?

As with all of our APIs, you must have an auth token first.