How to get all annotations for a recording

The bookmarks seem to appear sometimes when I make a call to /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/recordings
But how do I get the topics? We have a waveform on our integration and we would like to display annotations exactly as they appear on Genesys.

Furthermore, are the topics the best way to annotate when a hold or transfer happens? We tried using metrics (tHeld, nConsultTransfer, nBlindTransfer) in the participant objects but they're not accurate in the sense that the timestamps do not align with when these events occur in the recording.

If you're attempting to reverse engineer and recreate the product's UI, I would suggest using your browser's developer tools to inspect what API requests are being made when you load the specific view. This will allow you to not only see what endpoints are being requested, but the exact bodies and parameters sent in the requests. You can then look up the resource's documentation in API Explorer for more details about the resource.

The conversation's segments should accurately represent this.

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