How to identify the operator from the flow

Is it possible for the operator to Bland Transfer the guest's phone to another flow and then get information such as the transferred operator's ID from the transferred flow?

Of course, if I check the report, I can see, but I want to get the information of the operator transferred on the flow, so I want to use the function in the tool of the flow.

You can get that either from the Conversation Detail API
You could attach that information in your Agent Script through the Patch Participant Attributes API. Either through a Custom Action on on page load to get the last agent, or if you are transferring using Agent Script buttons then through a custom action as part of the transfer button.


And then use Get Participant Data to retrieve that information.

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Thank you for your reply.

I think that the interaction ID will change by implementing Bland Transfer.
Is it possible to get the previous interaction ID with this?

Blind transferring to a flow, queue etc does not create a new Conversation ID. Only new Participants. Have a look at the Interaction Timeline in the UI for a call you have blind transferred, you can see that it is a single interaction. Or look at the results from /api/v2/analytics/conversations/details for the call, you will see all the participants even with a blind transfer.

So yes you can get the last participant where participant = agent, to then get their ID, to then get their name.

But really the easiest approach is to do the second option, since again the ConversationID doesn't change. Just write to the customer participant id which in the agent script is {{Scripter.Customer Participant ID}}

If you need a hand with the DataAction let us know, I or someone in the community can help out with that.

Thank you for your reply.

Due to circumstances, the script cannot be used on the system now,
so I will try it with data action and API linkage.

Best Regards,