Meaning of error.ininedgecontrol.session.inactive

What is the meaning of the "error.ininedgecontrol.session.inactive" error code that shows up in the conversation object?

Can you provide some context? Where exactly are you seeing this in the conversation object?

I'm referring to the "errorInfo" property. The path would be something like conversation.participants[0].calls[0].errorInfo. Feel free to message me directly for an example conversation ID.

          "errorInfo": {
            "code": "error.ininedgecontrol.session.inactive",
            "message": "session some-session-uuid is inactive for command cloud.command.disconnect",
            "messageWithParams": "session {sessionId} is inactive for command {type}",
            "messageParams": {
              "sessionId": "some-session-uuid",
              "type": "cloud.command.disconnect"
            "details": [],
            "errors": []

I believe that's because someone tried to disconnect a participant that was already disconnected.

Gotcha thanks

On a related note, is there documentation around what exist and what they mean?

No. It's not really intended for external use. Care may look at it when investigating issues.

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