Missing Settings in Routing Queue – Callback Section for Customer First Selection In CX-as-Code

In the CX-as-Code Routing-Queues resource schema, we are unable to find the necessary settings for configuring the Callback Section for Customer First Selection.

Currently, when we set enable_agent_owned_callbacks = true in CX-as-Code, it automatically enables Customer First. However, there are no available parameters to configure Live Voice Handling and Answering Machine Behaviors etc. via CX-as-Code.

The only available settings under agent_owned_routing are:

  1. enable_agent_owned_callbacks (Boolean) – Enables Agent-Owned Callbacks.
  2. max_owned_callback_delay_hours (Number) – Specifies the maximum owned callback delay (must be ≥ 7 hours).
  3. max_owned_callback_hours (Number) – Specifies the maximum owned callback duration (must be ≥ 7 hours).

Could you confirm if it is possible to configure via CX-as-Code? If not, do you recommend any alternative approach to achieve this?


Hi Jitesh,

More than likely the team that owns the routing service forgot to add the attributes to the CX as Code resource. I will ask the DEVTOOLING to get a ticket created and added to the backlog. I can give an ETA on this, but in the meantime you could execute a Python script post deploy to call our endpoint directly to set the volumes

John Carnell
Director, Developer Engagement

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We are exploring gc tool and some scritping for this, Would be helpful if you provide any examples ??

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