Need to know if we have any API that can be used to hand over the Web Messaging or Chat Interaction from 3rd party Chatbot Application to Genesys

Hi Team,

We have the below use case.

One of the business is building their own chatbot which will interact with end users and post completion of that if they still need assistance then plan is handover the interaction to Genesys where we have agents configured.
So we need to know if there is any API that can be used to receive the handover from 3rd party application and create an Web Messaging or Chat Interaction in Genesys and can be assigned to an agent ?
Also they want the chat history to be transferred from their chatbot to Genesys which should appear to the agent when they accept the interaction.

Please let us know if we have any API for the above cases

This seems almost the same as this question. Handling Conversation History while using Open Messaging Integration please vote on the idea mentioned in that post. Genesys Cloud Ideas Portal which is what you are in need of.

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