Obtain the timezone of a user


As part of our provisioning flow we need to obtain the timezone of the user. Is there a way to query the API to obtain such info? Would this info be contained as part of the "locations" of a user?


I'm not sure what timezone you're referring to. Can you point out where you're seeing this in the UI?

Actually I couldn't find a place in the UI where that would be used other than possibly within the locations part where for instance the UI asks me to set my location every time I log in.

Although we use UTC pretty much everything, we still need to understand when a calendar day ends for an agent to trigger a bunch of things. I was hoping there was a place in Purecloud where the user's default TZ was stored. Or possibly a management unit or company default TZ would also be helpful.

I understand this TZ concept might be something that do not exist in Purecloud.

You could configure users with a location and then look up the location for a user and make an assumption about their timezone based on the location. PureCloud doesn't have a concept of a user being located in a particular timezone.

The management unit does have a time zone. Management units may be setup such that agents work across multiple time zones though.

GET /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits

Thanks Jay, so I see the timezone in the UI of the Management Units section, I cannot change it however (this is fine). When I GET on a specific management unit (for instance, /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{mu_id}, I will get more details than the general /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits. For instance I receive this info:

{u'selfUri': u'/api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{mu_id}', u'name': u'Sales Agents', u'id': {mu_id}', u'version': 167, u'startDayOfWeek': u'Monday', u'dateModified': u'2017-08-14T21:27:02.000Z'}

I am not seeing the Timezone however. Am I missing a specific Expand on this call?

Here is an example (not same MU however) of the Timezone I see in the UI.

This is a bug, you should be getting the time zone back in your object. We are going to fix this ASAP, I am tracking it internally as WFM-3045

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