"PATCH" routing queue rather than PUT


Looking at the documentation, I think I can assume the answer is no, but is there a way to submit a partial modification to a queue setting? It looks like the only API for this is the PutRoutingQueue endpoint (I'm using .Net SDK), and you need to submit all the config settings for the queue, else they get reset to default?

This feels a little inefficient to me; I'm slightly worried I'm going to miss one of the settings and inadvertently set something to default for every queue I adjust - when all I want to do is update the default scripts.

To do that, first I've got to run getRoutingQueue on every queue I'm going to touch, and pull the existing value to then "resubmit" it as part of the PUT request?

Just wanted to check that I haven't missed anything.

The general behavior of a PUT in a REST API is to only modify the fields provided, and not all fields are required by that endpoint, so have you tried on a test queue to confirm this concern?

Yes, I tested it today, all the fields I didn't update in the queueRequest object like acwSettings, routing method etc are reverted to default.

Also referencing Tim's reply here

Surprised its not in the ideas portal already then, because no, there is no alternative. And shame on some lazy developer for that behavior.

One more thing I've noticed is that the queue Canned Response settings don't seem to be retrievable from getRoutingQueue(), and they aren't settable using putRoutingQueue() - as far as I can see. Yet, they're still set to default when a queue setting is updated using putRoutingQueue().


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