Private Deployment framework.js not updating

I am having trouble when updating the framework.js file in the private deployment Integration. After uploading a new file I have tried everything from de-activating and activating the integration, clearing cache, waiting hours, and still no updates when loading the embeddable framework.
Are there any requirements that I am not understanding to update the framework.js file?

I experienced something similar recently. I've let the product team know, but it might make sense to open a case with Genesys Customer Care so that you can track if this is a bug and if/when it gets fixed.

As a work around I was able to delete and re-create the private deployment integration each time I had a framework.js update. I know it's a hassle, but it does seem to let you work around the issue.

I am not in a place where I can delete the integration every time. I did just get it to work, I opened up a Network trace and saw the PUT failing. I just did it over and over again until I finally saw a 200 come back.
So not perfect, but that explains why SOME of my updates worked, while most failed.

I spoke too soon. The upload worked, provided with me with a URL where I saw the updated framework.js file. The URL was similar to the URL I get when loading the embeddable framework, but slightlighly different. When I actually loaded the app it was still the old version.

Hi Machael, the engineering team is telling me that this is a known bug and is nearly ready for release. That probably doesn't help you immediately but I suspect it will be fixed soon.

Thanks, Jim. I opened a case yesterday and heard the same. Thanks for reaching out again!

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