Querying the Outbound Audit API

Hello, I'm trying to query the Outbound Audit API and am struggling with the filter operators. I am getting a response telling me the filter operator is incorrect. What are permissible values for filter operator? Is there a resource I should be consulting for this? Thank you!

Endpoint: https://api.{{environment}}/api/v2/outbound/audits

"queryFields": [
"queryPhrase": "Day0",
"filters": [
"name": "timestamp",
"type": "DATE",
"values": [
"operator": ">"

Thanks for your help!!

HI @Devon_Cormack
The Outbound Audit API is slated to be replaced by the Audit APIs

I would recommend using this resource instead

The docs for this resource list valid filter keys as:
UserId, TrusteeOrganizationId, ClientId, Action, EntityType, EntityId

Deprecation announcement here: Deprecation: Outbound Search Audits API

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