Unable to login in to PureCloud Architect

Hi Everyone,

I am unable to login to pureCloud architect with error : In order to use Architect, your user must have either the Architect admin, Architect editor, or Architect readonly permission.
I granted "General:Architect admin" permission to admin role but am still unable to login to architect.
Any Suggestions?


You need the architect:user:admin, architect:user:editor, or architect:user:readonly permissions.

Hi Melissa,

Thanks for the reply. Architect:user permissions are not displayed for my account. I can only see General:Architect permissions. Can you suggest?



Hi Arpit,

Architect isn't available in collaborate orgs. You need at least the Communicate plan. There are also some advanced features that are only in the PureCloud 1/2/3 plans. See see https://www.genesys.com/purecloud/pricing for details.

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