Where is the SDK resources info?


In the beta, I can't find the info of the objects and APIs of the SDKs, only the main page.

Thank you

The short answer is that they won't be on the new site in that way.

We're currently in the process of transitioning the SDK documentation to exist inline with the new API Explorer. You'll find the SDK method information in the Invocations section on each API resource once the feature is published. You can always find the documentation that's in that section in the Github repo for the SDK: platform-client-sdk-python/build/docs at master ยท MyPureCloud/platform-client-sdk-python ยท GitHub, even after the new site's launch.

Oh, ok. Thank you Tim! :smiley:

@Adrian_Santamaria SDK docs are up here: https://developer.genesys.cloud/devapps/sdk/docexplorer

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