I work at a non-profit serving (and employing) people who are blind and visually impaired. We're using Genesys Cloud a few different ways, and this forum has been a tremendous help in learning my way around the API; I'm a huge fan of docs, but sometimes you run into questions the docs don't cover, so it's great to have a place to ask questions and learn from others. And over time I hope to be able to answer a few as well.
Apart from that, not sure what else you guys need to know; my favorite programming language is C, my favorite scripting language is JavaScript and my favorite framework is VanillaJS (also done a lot of Dojo and TypeScript; also dabbled in React). I also do a lot of PHP, and occasionally some Python. Haven't touched Java since ~2013 lol
Anyway, looking forward to getting to know this community. I've often said that "forums are my Facebook", to quote someone on another forum I go on a lot. And as someone just said to me, I wish you "happy coding"!