Provisioning Telephony
This guide walks through the steps on how to implement BYOC Cloud in Genesys Cloud using Genesys Cloud Platform API. In order for BYOC Cloud to work with a third-party carrier, the carrier must:
- Be SIP-compliant
- Support the UDP or TCP trunk transport protocol
- Have a publicly routable IP address or host name
- Carriers must fully support Record-Routing as required by RFC 3261 to ensure proper routing of sequential SIP requests.
The Org must also have the BYOC Cloud feature enabled. For more information about carrier requirements, check the Genesys Resource Center article Carrier requirements for BYOC Cloud.
To successfully run the code, a JSON file is needed to provide the necessary input. In this guide, the JSON file is titled input-template.json.
const inputTemplate = require('./input-template.json');
const platformClient = require('purecloud-platform-client-v2');
const client = platformClient.ApiClient.instance;
// Instantiate APIs
const authorizationApi = new platformClient.AuthorizationApi();
const telephonyProvidersEdgeApi = new platformClient.TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi();
const locationsApi = new platformClient.LocationsApi();
// Declare global variables
let locationInfo = null;
let siteId = null;
// Get client credentials from environment variables
const ORG_REGION = process.env.GENESYS_CLOUD_REGION; // eg. us_east_1
// Set environment
const environment = platformClient.PureCloudRegionHosts[ORG_REGION];
if(environment) client.setEnvironment(environment);
// Authenticate with Genesys cloud
client.loginClientCredentialsGrant(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET)
.then(() => {
console.log('Authentication successful!');
.catch((err) => console.log(err));
// Check if BYOC is in the list of enabled products
function checkBYOC() {
.then((data) => {
console.log(`getAuthorizationProducts success! data: ${JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}`);
if (data.entities.find((entity) => === 'byoc') != undefined) {
console.log('Your account has BYOC capability!');
} else {
console.log(`Your account don't have BYOC capability!`);
.catch((err) => {
console.log('There was a failure calling getAuthorizationProducts');
// Create location function
function createLocation() {
const body = {
name:, // ex: My Location Name
emergencyNumber: {
number: inputTemplate.location.number, // ex: +639XXXXXXXXX
type: 'default',
address: {
street1: inputTemplate.location.street1,
state: inputTemplate.location.state,
zipcode: inputTemplate.location.zipcode,
countryFullName: inputTemplate.location.countryFullName,
.then((data) => {
console.log(`postLocations success! data: ${JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}`);
console.log('Location successfully created!');
locationInfo = data;
.catch((err) => {
console.log('There was a failure calling postLocations');
// This function will get the default Edge Group - Genesys Cloud Voice - AWS
function getEdgeSite() {
const opts = {
pageSize: 25,
pageNumber: 1,
sortBy: 'name',
sortOrder: 'ASC',
// Get list of virtual edges
.then((data) => {
console.log(`getTelephonyProvidersEdgesSites success! data: ${JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}`);
// Find default Genesys Cloud Voice - AWS provider edge on the list
const awsItem = data.entities.find((entitiesItem) => === 'PureCloud Voice - AWS');
.catch((err) => {
console.log('There was a failure calling getTelephonyProvidersEdgesSites');
// This function will create a site using the location value and edge group value saved to a variable earlier
function createSite(awsItem) {
const today = new Date();
let startTime = today.toISOString(today.setHours(10,0,0,0)).substring(0,23); // default value is 2AM
let endTime = today.toISOString(today.setHours(13,0,0,0)).substring(0,23); // default value is 5AM
const body = {
name:, // Ex: My Site Name
primarySites: [{
selfUri: awsItem.selfUri,
secondarySites: [{
selfUri: awsItem.selfUri,
edgeAutoUpdateConfig: {
timeZone:, // Ex: America/New_York
rrule: 'FREQ=DAILY',
start: startTime, // Start and end date time is represented as an ISO-8601 string without a timezone.
end: endTime // Example: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSS
location: locationInfo,
ntpSettings: {
servers: [],
mediaModel: "Cloud" // Allowable values are: Premises, Cloud
.then((data) => {
console.log(`postTelephonyProvidersEdgesSites success! data: ${JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}`);
console.log('Site successfully created!');
siteId =; // Save site id as global id
.catch((err) => {
console.log('There was a failure calling postTelephonyProvidersEdgesSites');
// Create trunk using the credentials from input-template file.
function createTrunk() {
const trunkBody = {
name: inputTemplate.sipTrunk.externalTrunkName, // External Trunk Name
state: 'active',
trunkMetabase: {
id: 'external_sip_pcv_byoc_carrier.json',
name: 'Generic BYOC Carrier',
properties: {
trunk_type: {
type: 'string',
value: {
default: 'external.pcv.byoc.carrier',
instance: 'external.pcv.byoc.carrier',
trunk_label: {
type: 'string',
value: {
default: 'Generic BYOC Carrier',
instance: 'Sample Trunk',
trunk_enabled: {
type: 'boolean',
value: {
default: true,
instance: true,
trunk_transport_serverProxyList: {
type: 'array',
items: {
type: 'string',
uniqueItems: true,
value: {
default: null,
instance: [inputTemplate.sipTrunk.sipServers], // SIP Servers or Proxies
required: true,
trunk_access_acl_allowList: {
type: 'array',
items: {
type: 'string',
value: {
default: [],
instance: inputTemplate.sipTrunk.instance, // BYOC signaling IP
trunk_protocol: {
type: 'string',
enum: ['SIP'],
value: {
default: 'SIP',
instance: 'SIP',
trunk_sip_authentication_credentials_realm: {
type: 'string',
value: {
default: '',
instance: inputTemplate.sipTrunk.realm, // Realm
trunk_sip_authentication_credentials_username: {
type: 'string',
value: {
default: '',
instance: inputTemplate.sipTrunk.userName, // User Name
trunk_sip_authentication_credentials_password: {
type: 'string',
value: {
default: '',
instance: inputTemplate.sipTrunk.password, // Password
trunk_outboundIdentity_callingName: {
type: 'string',
pattern: '^[\\S ]{0,40}$',
value: {
default: '',
instance: inputTemplate.sipTrunk.callingName, // Calling Name
trunk_outboundIdentity_callingName_overrideMethod: {
type: 'string',
enum: ['Always', 'Unassigned DID'],
value: {
default: 'Always',
instance: 'Always',
trunk_outboundIdentity_callingAddress: {
type: 'string',
value: {
default: '',
instance: inputTemplate.sipTrunk.address, // Calling Address
trunk_outboundIdentity_callingAddress_overrideMethod: {
type: 'string',
enum: ['Always', 'Unassigned DID'],
value: {
default: 'Always',
instance: 'Always',
trunk_outboundIdentity_calledAddress_omitPlusPrefix: {
type: 'boolean',
value: {
default: false,
instance: false,
trunk_outboundIdentity_callingAddress_omitPlusPrefix: {
type: 'boolean',
value: {
default: false,
instance: false,
trunk_sip_termination_uri: {
type: 'string',
value: {
instance: inputTemplate.sipTrunk.sipServers, // Inbound SIP Termination Identifier
required: false,
trunkType: 'EXTERNAL',
}; // Object | Trunk base settings
.then((data) => {
console.log(`postTelephonyProvidersEdgesTrunkbasesettings success! data: ${JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}`);
console.log('Trunk successfully created!');
.catch((err) => {
console.log('There was a failure calling postTelephonyProvidersEdgesTrunkbasesettings');
// Find the default outbound route of the site previously created, then save the ID reference
function siteOutboundRoutes(trunkData) {
const opts = {
pageSize: 25,
pageNumber: 1,
telephonyProvidersEdgeApi.getTelephonyProvidersEdgesSiteOutboundroutes(siteId, opts)
.then((data) => {
let outboundRouteId = data.entities[0].id;
updateOutboundRoute(trunkData, outboundRouteId);
.catch((err) => {
console.log('There was a failure calling getTelephonyProvidersEdgesSiteOutboundroutes');
// Update default outbound routes in the site created
function updateOutboundRoute(trunkData, outboundRouteId) {
const body = {
name: 'Default Outbound Route',
classificationTypes: [
], // leveraged for outbound calls to national or international numbers
enabled: true, // make sure the outbound route is enabled
externalTrunkBases: [{
selfUri: trunkData.selfUri,
telephonyProvidersEdgeApi.putTelephonyProvidersEdgesSiteOutboundroute(siteId, outboundRouteId, body)
.then((data) => {
console.log(`putTelephonyProvidersEdgesSiteOutboundroutes success! data: ${JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}`);
console.log('Outbound route updated!');
console.log('Process completed!');
.catch((err) => {
console.log('There was a failure calling putTelephonyProvidersEdgesSiteOutboundroutes');
JSON Files and Variables
This file is used as substitute to input text boxes. This is where the user enters all of the necessary details. Each key value pair has a corresponding description. Ensure all values are entered where required, or left blank where entry is optional. Any phone number entries should use the E.164 format.
Please refer to your carrier for the possible SIP Endpoints as a list of IP Addresses or CIDR. See the example below.
Sample: ['','','','']
The app will be authorized using OAuth Client Credentials. Once the authentication is successful, the process will continue.
Check BYOC Feature
Get the list of products available for the org used by calling getAuthorizationProducts() function using the Authorization API to check if the org has BYOC capability.
After Genesys enables the BYOC feature, managed telephony resources are automatically created for the organization. These resource will be used to configure the BYOC feature and are managed by Genesys. They are used by both the BYOC and PCV feature.
A list of managed objects are also visible in the Telephony Admin UI under the following headings:
- Edges - will contain one or more virtual-edge-i-xxxxxxxxxx entries.
- EdgeGroup - will contain an object named PureCloud Voice.
- Site - will contain an object named PureCloud Voice – AWS.
If the org is BYOC capable, it will proceed to create location function. Please take note that only BYOC enabled orgs can proceed. If the org does not have the BYOC feature, the user should contact their sales representative or account manager.
Create Location
Create a location in Genesys Cloud by calling the postLocations() function of the locations API and save the returned location data in a global variable.
Create Site
To create a new site, there are a few pieces of information required before making an API call. First, is the location information saved in a global variable from an earlier step. Second, is the default Edge group which is found in Genesys Cloud Admin > Telephony > Edge Groups. Third, is the Edge software update schedule and in this guide is set to the default schedule window of 2AM to 5AM. Read more about scheduling automatic updates for the Edge software here.
Get the default edge group by calling getTelephonyProvidersEdgesSites() function and look for "PureCloud Voice – AWS". Save the returned data and proceed to creating a new site with postTelephonyProvidersEdgesSites() function. Both functions are under telephony providers edge API.
Create Trunk
Create a trunk object from the user input credentials from the JSON file by calling the postTelephonyProvidersEdgesTrunkbasesettings() function of Telephony Providers Edge API. Once the trunk is successfully created, it will proceed to the siteOutboundRoutes function. Please take note that the sipServers value from the JSON file should be unique across the entire org.
Set Outbound Route
Lastly, with the use of telephony providers edge API, get the default outbound route created by when the site was setting up using the getTelephonyProvidersEdgesSiteOutboundroutes() function, then update the external trunk base value of the trunk created in the previous step by calling the putTelephonyProvidersEdgesSiteOutboundroutes() function.