API to modify / create Dashboards?


Is there an API available to modify / create dashboards?
When I modify a dashboard, I see in the dev tool: "/ api / v2 / analytics / reporting / settings / dashboards /.."
But I can't find this API in https://developer.genesys.cloud/api/rest/v2/analytics/

Thank you

That generally means it's an undocumented platform-only API they don't want you using and won't guarantee the functionality of.

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Thank you for your reply. Do you know another way to modify / create dashboards? or import / export dashboards from one environment to another ?


Unfortunately no.
They were completely lacking for most of my needs so my experimenting with them was brief and fruitless.

Based on this thread it doesn't sound like it was ever a priority and I am not seeing any feature requests for it.

You may want to try submitting one, given the fact they do have existing APIs for it this that may be enough low hanging fruit for someone to add it to the swagger and release it. I've had that work in my favor exactly once so far, maybe it's your turn.

These APIs are slated to be released under PURE-3567, but that work is not currently prioritized. Submitting ideas referencing this epic to release reporting APIs will help with prioritization of that work.

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