Email Handling Fonts

We have a customer that wants emails including canned responses to be in a specific Font. Arial 11. Is there anyway to set Emails and Canned Responses to use a specific font? If so is this set in PureCloud or the browser or do we have to do this in html then upload the responses using the API's?

Hi Troy. I would recommend that you first ask the Community Forum to see if there's a way to do this in the PureCloud UI.


Hi Becky,
Sorry for the late reply. I did look in the user forum and the questions was asked a while ago with no reply. That's why I tried this developer forum. I have tried changing the default font in chrome but it did not seems to work.

Hi there Troy,

I am so sorry that the community post has not yet been answered. I have just reached out to our Community Manager for assistance in getting a response to this question. Stay tuned - and thanks for your patience.


There's currently not a way to select a specific font, it would be an enhancement that you can submit on our ideas site.

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