Analytics data are tagged with dimensions, which are metadata such as inbound or outbound, phone number, or skills requested. Dimensions come in several data types, including enum (a set of possible values) or boolean.
Conversation Detail Dimensions
Aggregate Dimensions
Aggregate dimensions can be used in filters or group-bys. Dimensions that are marked as preview may not have been released yet and are subject to change at any time without notice.
Conversation Aggregate Dimensions
Dimension | Type | Description | Preview |
activeRouting | Enum (Bullseye, Conditional, Direct, Last, Manual, Predictive, Preferred, Standard, Vip) | Active routing method. | ✔ |
activeSkillId | UUID | ID(s) of Skill(s) that are active on the conversation. | |
addressFrom | String | The address that initiated an action. | |
addressTo | String | The address receiving an action. | |
agentAssistantId | UUID | Unique identifier of the active virtual agent assistant. | |
agentBullseyeRing | Integer | Bullseye ring of the targeted agent. | |
agentOwned | Boolean | Flag indicating an agent-owned callback. | |
agentRank | Integer | Proposed agent rank for this conversation from predictive routing (lower is better). | |
agentScore | Integer | Assigned agent score for this conversation (0 - 100, higher being better). | |
ani | String | Automatic Number Identification (caller's number). | |
assignerId | UUID | ID of the user that manually assigned a conversation. | |
authenticated | Boolean | Flag that indicates that the identity of the customer has been asserted as verified by the provider. | |
canonicalExternalContactId | UUID | Canonical external contact identifier. | |
conversationId | UUID | Unique identifier for the conversation. | |
conversationInitiator | Enum (acd, agent, api, botflow, campaign, customer, dialer, external, fax, group, inbound, ivr, manual, outbound, station, user, voicemail, voicesurveyflow, workflow) | Indicates the participant purpose of the participant initiating a message conversation. | |
convertedFrom | String | Session media type that was converted from in case of a media type conversion. | |
convertedTo | String | Session media type that was converted to in case of a media type conversion. | |
customerParticipation | Boolean | Indicates a messaging conversation in which the customer participated by sending at least one message. | |
deliveryStatus | Enum (DeliveryFailed, DeliveryPushed, DeliverySuccess, Failed, Published, Queued, Read, Received, Sent) | The email or SMS delivery status. | |
destinationAddress | String | Destination address(es) of transfers or consults. | |
direction | Enum (inbound, outbound) | The direction of the communication. | |
disconnectType | Enum (client, conferenceTransfer, consultTransfer, dndEndpoint, dndTransfer, endpoint, error, forwardTransfer, noAnswerTransfer, notAvailableTransfer, other, peer, spam, system, timeout, transfer, transportFailure, uncallable) | The session disconnect type. | |
divisionId | UUID | Identifier(s) of division(s) associated with a conversation. | |
dnis | String | Dialed number identification service (number dialed by the calling party). | |
edgeId | UUID | Unique identifier of the edge device. | |
eligibleAgentCount | Integer | Number of eligible agents for each predictive routing attempt. | ✔ |
errorCode | String | A code corresponding to the error that occurred. | |
extendedDeliveryStatus | String | Extended delivery status. | |
externalContactId | UUID | External contact identifier. | |
externalMediaCount | Integer | Count of any media (images, files, etc) included on the external session. | |
externalOrganizationId | UUID | External organization identifier. | |
externalTag | String | External tag for the conversation. | |
firstQueue | Boolean | Marker that is set if the current queue is the first queue in a conversation. | |
flaggedReason | Enum (general) | Reason for which participant flagged conversation. | |
flowInType | String | Type of flow in that occurred when entering ACD. | |
flowOutType | String | Type of flow out that occurred when emitting tFlowOut. | |
groupId | UUID | Unique identifier for a Genesys Cloud group. | |
interactionType | String | The interaction type (enterprise or contactCenter). | |
journeyActionId | UUID | Identifier of the journey action. | |
journeyActionMapId | UUID | Identifier of the journey action map that triggered the action. | |
journeyActionMapVersion | Integer | Version of the journey action map that triggered the action. | |
journeyCustomerId | String | Primary identifier of the journey customer in the source where the activities originate from. | |
journeyCustomerIdType | String | Type of primary identifier of the journey customer (e.g. cookie). | |
journeyCustomerSessionId | String | Unique identifier of the journey session. | |
journeyCustomerSessionIdType | String | Type or category of journey sessions (e.g. web, ticket, delivery, atm). | |
knowledgeBaseId | UUID | The unique identifier(s) of the knowledge base(s) used. | |
mediaCount | Integer | Count of any media (images, files, etc) included in this session. | |
mediaType | Enum (callback, chat, cobrowse, email, internalmessage, message, screenshare, unknown, video, voice) | The session media type. | |
messageType | String | Message type for messaging services. E.g.: sms, facebook, twitter, line. | |
originatingDirection | Enum (inbound, outbound) | The original direction of the conversation. | |
originatingSocialMediaPublic | Boolean | Indicates that the conversation originated from a public message on social media. | ✔ |
outboundCampaignId | UUID | (Dialer) Unique identifier of the outbound campaign. | |
outboundContactId | String | (Dialer) Unique identifier of the contact. | |
outboundContactListId | UUID | (Dialer) Unique identifier of the contact list that this contact belongs to. | |
participantName | String | A human readable name identifying the participant. | |
peerId | UUID | This identifies pairs of related sessions on a conversation. E.g. an external session’s peerId will be the session that the call originally connected to, e.g. if an IVR was dialed, the IVR session, which will also have the external session’s ID as its peer. After that point, any transfers of that session to other internal components (acd, agent, etc.) will all spawn new sessions whose peerIds point back to that original external session. | |
proposedAgentId | UUID | Unique identifier for the agent that was proposed by predictive routing. | |
provider | String | The source provider for the communication. | |
purpose | Enum (acd, agent, api, botflow, campaign, customer, dialer, external, fax, group, inbound, ivr, manual, outbound, station, user, voicemail, voicesurveyflow, workflow) | The participant's purpose. | |
queueId | UUID | Queue identifier. | |
remote | String | Name, phone number, or email address of the remote party. | |
removedSkillId | UUID | ID(s) of Skill(s) that have been removed by bullseye routing. | |
requestedLanguageId | UUID | Unique identifier for the language requested for an interaction. | |
requestedRouting | Enum (Bullseye, Conditional, Direct, Last, Manual, Predictive, Preferred, Standard, Vip) | Routing type(s) for requested/attempted routing methods. | |
requestedRoutingSkillId | UUID | Unique identifier(s) for skill(s) requested for an interaction. | |
roomId | String | Unique identifier for the room. | |
routingPriority | Long | Routing priority for the current interaction. | |
routingRing | Integer | Routing ring for bullseye or preferred agent routing. | |
routingRule | String | Routing rule for preferred, conditional and predictive routing type. | |
routingRuleType | Enum (Bullseye, Conditional, Predictive, Preferred) | Routing rule type. | |
scoredAgentId | UUID | Unique identifier for the agent that was scored for this conversation. | |
selectedAgentId | UUID | Selected agent ID. | |
selectedAgentRank | Integer | Selected agent GPR rank. | |
selfServed | Boolean | Indicates whether all flow sessions were self serviced. | |
sessionDnis | String | Dialed number for the current session; this can be different from dnis, e.g. if the call was transferred. | |
sessionId | UUID | The unique identifier of this session. | |
stationId | UUID | Unique identifier for a phone. | |
teamId | UUID | The team ID the user is a member of. | |
usedRouting | Enum (Bullseye, Conditional, Direct, Last, Manual, Predictive, Preferred, Standard, Vip) | Complete routing method. | |
userId | UUID | Unique identifier for the user. | |
videoPresent | Boolean | Flag indicating if video is present. | ✔ |
waitingInteractionCount | Integer | Number of waiting interactions for each predictive routing attempt. | ✔ |
wrapUpCode | String | Wrap up code. |
Flow Aggregate Dimensions
Dimension | Type | Description | Preview |
activeRouting | Enum (Bullseye, Conditional, Direct, Last, Manual, Predictive, Preferred, Standard, Vip) | Active routing method. | ✔ |
activeSkillId | UUID | ID(s) of Skill(s) that are active on the conversation. | |
addressFrom | String | The address that initiated an action. | |
addressTo | String | The address receiving an action. | |
agentAssistantId | UUID | Unique identifier of the active virtual agent assistant. | |
agentBullseyeRing | Integer | Bullseye ring of the targeted agent. | |
agentOwned | Boolean | Flag indicating an agent-owned callback. | |
agentRank | Integer | Proposed agent rank for this conversation from predictive routing (lower is better). | |
agentScore | Integer | Assigned agent score for this conversation (0 - 100, higher being better). | |
ani | String | Automatic Number Identification (caller's number). | |
assignerId | UUID | ID of the user that manually assigned a conversation. | |
authenticated | Boolean | Flag that indicates that the identity of the customer has been asserted as verified by the provider. | |
canonicalExternalContactId | UUID | Canonical external contact identifier. | |
conversationId | UUID | Unique identifier for the conversation. | |
conversationInitiator | Enum (acd, agent, api, botflow, campaign, customer, dialer, external, fax, group, inbound, ivr, manual, outbound, station, user, voicemail, voicesurveyflow, workflow) | Indicates the participant purpose of the participant initiating a message conversation. | |
convertedFrom | String | Session media type that was converted from in case of a media type conversion. | |
convertedTo | String | Session media type that was converted to in case of a media type conversion. | |
customerParticipation | Boolean | Indicates a messaging conversation in which the customer participated by sending at least one message. | |
deliveryStatus | Enum (DeliveryFailed, DeliveryPushed, DeliverySuccess, Failed, Published, Queued, Read, Received, Sent) | The email or SMS delivery status. | |
destinationAddress | String | Destination address(es) of transfers or consults. | |
direction | Enum (inbound, outbound) | The direction of the communication. | |
disconnectType | Enum (client, conferenceTransfer, consultTransfer, dndEndpoint, dndTransfer, endpoint, error, forwardTransfer, noAnswerTransfer, notAvailableTransfer, other, peer, spam, system, timeout, transfer, transportFailure, uncallable) | The session disconnect type. | |
divisionId | UUID | Identifier(s) of division(s) associated with a conversation. | |
dnis | String | Dialed number identification service (number dialed by the calling party). | |
edgeId | UUID | Unique identifier of the edge device. | |
eligibleAgentCount | Integer | Number of eligible agents for each predictive routing attempt. | ✔ |
endingLanguage | String | Flow ending language, e.g. en-us. | |
entryReason | String | The particular entry reason for this flow, e.g. an address, userId, or flowId. | |
entryType | Enum (agent, direct, dnis, flow, outbound) | The entry type for this flow, e.g. dnis, dialer, agent, flow, or direct. | |
errorCode | String | A code corresponding to the error that occurred. | |
exitReason | String | The exit reason for this flow, e.g. DISCONNECT. | |
extendedDeliveryStatus | String | Extended delivery status. | |
externalContactId | UUID | External contact identifier. | |
externalMediaCount | Integer | Count of any media (images, files, etc) included on the external session. | |
externalOrganizationId | UUID | External organization identifier. | |
externalTag | String | External tag for the conversation. | |
firstQueue | Boolean | Marker that is set if the current queue is the first queue in a conversation. | |
flaggedReason | Enum (general) | Reason for which participant flagged conversation. | |
flowId | UUID | The unique identifier of this flow. | |
flowInType | String | Type of flow in that occurred when entering ACD. | |
flowMilestoneId | UUID | The ID of a flow outcome milestone. | |
flowName | String | The name of this flow at the time of flow execution. | |
flowOutType | String | Type of flow out that occurred when emitting tFlowOut. | |
flowOutcome | String | Combination of unique flow outcome identifier and its value separated by colon. | |
flowOutcomeId | UUID | Unique identifier of a flow outcome. | |
flowOutcomeValue | String | Flow outcome value, e.g. SUCCESS. | |
flowSubType | Enum (VIRTUAL_AGENT) | Represents the subtype of the flow. For example a Digital Bot Flow that has been upgraded with Virtual Agent capabilities. | ✔ |
flowType | Enum (bot, commonmodule, digitalbot, inboundcall, inboundchat, inboundemail, inboundshortmessage, inqueuecall, inqueueemail, inqueueshortmessage, outboundcall, securecall, speech, surveyinvite, voice, voicemail, voicesurvey, workflow, workitem) | The type of this flow. | |
flowVersion | String | The version of this flow. | |
groupId | UUID | Unique identifier for a Genesys Cloud group. | |
interactionType | String | The interaction type (enterprise or contactCenter). | |
journeyActionId | UUID | Identifier of the journey action. | |
journeyActionMapId | UUID | Identifier of the journey action map that triggered the action. | |
journeyActionMapVersion | Integer | Version of the journey action map that triggered the action. | |
journeyCustomerId | String | Primary identifier of the journey customer in the source where the activities originate from. | |
journeyCustomerIdType | String | Type of primary identifier of the journey customer (e.g. cookie). | |
journeyCustomerSessionId | String | Unique identifier of the journey session. | |
journeyCustomerSessionIdType | String | Type or category of journey sessions (e.g. web, ticket, delivery, atm). | |
knowledgeBaseId | UUID | The unique identifier of the knowledge base used. | |
mediaCount | Integer | Count of any media (images, files, etc) included in this session. | |
mediaType | Enum (callback, chat, cobrowse, email, internalmessage, message, screenshare, unknown, video, voice) | The session media type. | |
messageType | String | Message type for messaging services. E.g.: sms, facebook, twitter, line. | |
originatingDirection | Enum (inbound, outbound) | The original direction of the conversation. | |
outboundCampaignId | UUID | (Dialer) Unique identifier of the outbound campaign. | |
outboundContactId | String | (Dialer) Unique identifier of the contact. | |
outboundContactListId | UUID | (Dialer) Unique identifier of the contact list that this contact belongs to. | |
participantName | String | A human readable name identifying the participant. | |
peerId | UUID | This identifies pairs of related sessions on a conversation. E.g. an external session’s peerId will be the session that the call originally connected to, e.g. if an IVR was dialed, the IVR session, which will also have the external session’s ID as its peer. After that point, any transfers of that session to other internal components (acd, agent, etc.) will all spawn new sessions whose peerIds point back to that original external session. | |
proposedAgentId | UUID | Unique identifier for the agent that was proposed by predictive routing. | |
provider | String | The source provider for the communication. | |
purpose | Enum (acd, agent, api, botflow, campaign, customer, dialer, external, fax, group, inbound, ivr, manual, outbound, station, user, voicemail, voicesurveyflow, workflow) | The participant's purpose. | |
queueId | UUID | Queue identifier. | |
recognitionFailureReason | String | The recognition failure reason causing to exit/disconnect. | |
remote | String | Name, phone number, or email address of the remote party. | |
removedSkillId | UUID | ID(s) of Skill(s) that have been removed by bullseye routing. | |
requestedLanguageId | UUID | Unique identifier for the language requested for an interaction. | |
requestedRouting | Enum (Bullseye, Conditional, Direct, Last, Manual, Predictive, Preferred, Standard, Vip) | Routing type(s) for requested/attempted routing methods. | |
requestedRoutingSkillId | UUID | Unique identifier(s) for skill(s) requested for an interaction. | |
roomId | String | Unique identifier for the room. | |
routingPriority | Long | Routing priority for the current interaction. | |
routingRing | Integer | Routing ring for bullseye or preferred agent routing. | |
routingRule | String | Routing rule for preferred, conditional and predictive routing type. | |
routingRuleType | Enum (Bullseye, Conditional, Predictive, Preferred) | Routing rule type. | |
scoredAgentId | UUID | Unique identifier for the agent that was scored for this conversation. | |
selectedAgentId | UUID | Selected agent ID. | |
selectedAgentRank | Integer | Selected agent GPR rank. | |
selfServed | Boolean | Indicates whether the flow session was self serviced. | |
sessionDnis | String | Dialed number for the current session; this can be different from dnis, e.g. if the call was transferred. | |
sessionId | UUID | The unique identifier of this session. | |
startingLanguage | String | Flow starting language, e.g. en-us. | |
stationId | UUID | Unique identifier for a phone. | |
teamId | UUID | The team ID the user is a member of. | |
transferTargetAddress | String | The address of a flow transfer target, e.g. a phone number, an email address, or a queueId. | |
transferTargetName | String | The name of a flow transfer target. | |
transferType | String | The type of transfer for flows that ended with a transfer. | |
usedRouting | Enum (Bullseye, Conditional, Direct, Last, Manual, Predictive, Preferred, Standard, Vip) | Complete routing method. | |
userId | UUID | Unique identifier for the user. | |
videoPresent | Boolean | Flag indicating if video is present. | ✔ |
waitingInteractionCount | Integer | Number of waiting interactions for each predictive routing attempt. | ✔ |
wrapUpCode | String | Wrap up code. |
User Aggregate Dimensions
Dimension | Type | Description | Preview |
userId | UUID | Unique identifier for the user. |
Transcript Dimensions
Dimension | Type | Description | Preview |
addressFrom | String | Represents the value(s) of addressNormalized from fromAddress for the participant. | |
addressTo | String | Represents the value(s) of addressNormalized from toAddress for the participant. | |
ani | String | Represents the value(s) of addressNormalized from ANI for the participant. | |
channel | Enum (external, internal) | Represents if the topic was detected externally/internally. | |
conversationDuration | Long | The duration of the conversation (in seconds). | |
conversationId | UUID | The conversation unique identifier. | |
direction | Enum (inbound, outbound) | The initial direction(s) of the conversation. | |
divisionId | UUID | Represents the division(s) the participant belongs to. | |
dnis | String | Represents the value(s) of addressNormalized from DNIS for the participant. | |
flowId | UUID | Represents the FlowId(s) of the communication. | |
flowVersion | String | Represents the Flow version(s) of the communication. | |
handleTime | Long | The total amount of time (in seconds) agents spend on handling the conversation. | |
mediaType | Enum (Call, Callback, Chat, Email, Message, Voice) | Represents the media type for this conversation. | |
messageType | Enum (Apple, AppleBusinessChat, Discord, Facebook, Instagram, Line, Open, Other, Signal, Slack, Sms, Telegram, Twitter, WeChat, WebMessaging, Whatsapp) | Represents the message type(s). | |
queueId | UUID | Represents the QueueId(s) of the communication. | |
resultsBy | Enum (communication, topicEvent) | Type of the record, can be either communication or topic events. | |
sentimentIndex | Integer | Index of the sentiment if there are multiple sentiments detected. | |
teamId | UUID | The teamId of the user. | |
topicId | UUID | Represents the topic(s) detected in the transcript. | |
userId | UUID | The guid(s) of the user. | |
wrapUpCode | String | The wrapup code of the conversation. |
Journey Dimensions
Dimension | Type | Description | Preview |
containsAllCondition | String | Contains all condition(s). | |
containsAnyCondition | String | Contains any condition(s). | |
endsWithCondition | String | Ends with condition(s). | |
equalCondition | String | Equal condition(s). | |
journeyActionId | UUID | ID of the action. | |
journeyActionMapId | UUID | ID of the action map that triggered the action. | |
journeyActionMapVersion | Integer | Version of the action map that triggered the action. | |
journeyActionMediaType | String | The media type used to deliver the action (e.g. webchat, contentOffer). | |
journeyActionTargetId | UUID | ID of the action target. | |
journeyActionTemplateId | UUID | ID of the action template. | |
journeyBlockingActionMapId | UUID | ID of the blocking action map. | |
journeyBlockingEmergencyScheduleGroupId | UUID | ID of the blocking emergency schedule group. | |
journeyBlockingReason | Enum (AlreadyExistingOffer, FrequencyCapping, MultipleSimultaneousOffers, NoAvailableAgents, OfferedOutsideSchedule, PageUrlConditionsNotMatching, ServiceLevelThrottling, TriggerDateInFuture) | Type of reason. | |
journeyBlockingScheduleGroupId | UUID | ID of the blocking schedule group. | |
journeyDeviceCategory | String | Category of the user agent device (e.g. desktop, tablet, mobile). | |
journeyDeviceType | String | Type or family of the user agent device (e.g. iPad, iPhone). | |
journeyFrequencyCapReason | Enum (CapForPeriod, CapOnceFinalized, CapOnceRejected) | Frequency cap behaviour which blocked the action. | |
journeyIpGeolocationCountry | String | Customer's IP-based geolocation. | |
journeyOutcomeId | UUID | ID of the outcome achieved. | |
journeySegmentId | UUID | ID of the segment. | |
journeySegmentScope | String | The target entity that a segment applies to. | |
journeySessionId | UUID | ID of the session. | |
journeySessionSegmentId | UUID | Unique identifier(s) of segment(s) assigned within the session when the outcome was achieved. | |
journeySessionType | String | Indicates the type or category of the session (e.g. web, ticket, delivery, atm). | |
notContainsAllCondition | String | Not contains all condition(s). | |
notContainsAnyCondition | String | Not contains any condition(s). | |
notEqualCondition | String | Not equal condition(s). | |
startsWithCondition | String | Starts with condition(s). | |
touchpointActionMapId | UUID | ActionMapId(s) from touchpoint(s) that may be attributed to the outcome being achieved. | |
touchpointAgentId | UUID | ID of agent who participated in the touchpoint. | |
touchpointAttributionScope | Enum (Customer, Session) | The attribution scope indicates if a touchpoint occurred within the same Session as the outcome achievement (i.e. Session scope) or prior to the Session where the outcome was achieved (i.e. Customer scope). | |
touchpointChannelMessageType | Enum (Apple, Facebook, Instagram, Line, Open, Sms, Twitter, WebMessaging, WhatsApp) | Channel message type(s) for messaging conversation. | |
touchpointChannelPlatform | String | Channels Platform(s) from touchpoint(s) that were attributed to the outcome being achieved. | |
touchpointChannelType | Enum (Callback, Chat, Cobrowse, ContentOffer, Email, Message, Screenshare, Video, Voice, Webchat) | Indicates the types or categories of this touchpoint. | |
touchpointConversationId | UUID | ConversationId(s) from touchpoint(s) that were attributed to the outcome being achieved. | |
touchpointInteractionType | Enum (Proactive, Reactive) | Represents the type of the interaction(s) from touchpoint(s) that were attributed to the outcome being achieved e.g. Proactive, Reactive. | |
touchpointQueueId | UUID | QueueId(s) from touchpoint(s) that were attributed to the outcome being achieved. | |
touchpointRequestedRouting | Enum (Bullseye, Conditional, Last, Other, Predictive, Preferred, Standard, Vip) | Requested Routing Type(s) to initiate this touchpoint. | |
touchpointUsedRouting | Enum (Bullseye, Conditional, Last, Other, Predictive, Preferred, Standard, Vip) | Used Routing Type to initiate this touchpoint. | |
touchpointWrapupCode | String | Wrapup code(s) from touchpoint(s) that were attributed to the outcome being achieved. |
Bot Dimensions
Dimension | Type | Description | Preview |
askActionId | String | The ID of the associated Ask action that was executed as part of the bot session turn. | |
askActionResult | Enum (AgentRequestedByUser, ConfirmationRequired, DisambiguationRequired, Error, ExpressionError, NoInputCollection, NoInputConfirmation, NoInputDisambiguation, NoMatchCollection, NoMatchConfirmation, NoMatchDisambiguation, PartialCollection, SkippedCollection, SuccessCollection, SuccessConfirmationNo, SuccessConfirmationYes, SuccessDisambiguation, SuccessDisambiguationNone) | The result of the executed 'Ask' action. | |
askActionType | Enum (AskForBooleanAction, AskForNLUIntentAction, AskForNLUNextIntentAction, AskForSlotAction, AskSurveyQuestionAction, DigitalMenuAction, WaitForInputAction) | The type of the executed 'Ask' action. | |
botFinalIntent | String | Final detected bot intent. | |
botFlowSubType | Enum (VIRTUAL_AGENT) | Represents the sub type of the bot. For example a Digital Bot Flow that has been upgraded with Virtual Agent capabilities. | ✔ |
botFlowType | Enum (BOT, DIGITALBOT, VOICESURVEY) | Represents the various bot flow types. | |
botId | String | The ID of the bot. | |
botIntent | String | The detected bot intent(s) during a given bot session. | |
botName | String | The name of this bot at the time of bot execution. | ✔ |
botProvider | Enum (AMAZON, GENESYS, GOOGLE, NUANCE) | The provider/vendor of the bot. | |
botRecognitionFailureReason | Enum (MaxWrongMatch, NoInputCollection, NoInputConfirmation, NoInputDisambiguation, NoMatchCollection, NoMatchConfirmation, NoMatchDisambiguation) | The recognition failure reason. | |
botResult | Enum (DisconnectError, DisconnectRecognitionFailure, DisconnectRequestedByBot, DisconnectRequestedByUser, DisconnectSessionExpired, ExitError, ExitRecognitionFailure, ExitRequestedByBot, ExitRequestedByUser, TransferToACD) | The reason that the bot exited. | |
botSessionId | UUID | Session ID for a bot session. | |
botSlot | String | The bot slot(s) associated with a given bot turn or bot session. | |
botSlotMechanism | Enum (Alphanumeric, BuiltinAmountOfMoney, BuiltinAny, BuiltinDate, BuiltinNumber, BuiltinTime, DynamicDateTime, DynamicList, FreeForm, List, NumberSequence, Regex) | The mechanism underlying this bot slot e.g. Alphanumeric, NumberSequence. | ✔ |
botVersion | String | The version of the bot. | |
conversationId | UUID | Conversation ID for a bot session. | |
externalContactId | UUID | External contact identifier. | |
intermediateIntentName | String | The name of the intent detected during the turn. | |
knowledgeBaseId | UUID | The unique identifier of the knowledge base used. | |
languageCode | String | The language of the associated bot resource, at the time it was executed. | |
lastActionId | String | The ID of the last bot action; format: action name (numeric action ID). | |
lastInputActionId | String | The ID of the last input bot action; format: action name (numeric action ID). | |
mediaType | Enum (CALL, CALLBACK, EMAIL, MESSAGING, WEBCHAT) | The media type(s) used. | |
messageType | Enum (Apple, AppleBusinessChat, Discord, FacebookMessenger, GenesysChatWidget, Instagram, Line, Open, Other, Phone, SMS, Signal, Slack, Telegram, TwitterDirectMessage, WeChat, Whatsapp) | The messaging type for media type MESSAGING. | |
previewMode | Boolean | Indicates whether the bot session was executed in preview mode. | ✔ |
selfServed | Boolean | Indicates whether the bot session was self serviced. |
Evaluation Dimensions
Dimension | Type | Description | Preview |
assigneeApplicable | Boolean | Indicates whether an assignee is applicable for the evaluation. Set to false when assignee is not applicable. | |
assigneeId | UUID | UserId of the assignee. | |
calibrationId | UUID | The calibration ID used for the purpose of training evaluators. | |
contextId | UUID | A unique identifier for an evaluation form, regardless of version. | |
conversationId | UUID | Conversation ID this evaluation is tied to. | |
conversationStart | DateTime | Creation datetime of the conversation in ISO 8601 format. | |
divisionId | UUID | Identifier(s) of division(s) associated with this conversation. | |
evaluationContextId | UUID | Shared ID for different revisions of an evaluation. | |
evaluationCreatedDate | DateTime | Creation datetime of the evaluation in ISO 8601 format. | |
evaluationId | UUID | Unique identifier for the evaluation. | |
evaluationReleaseDate | DateTime | Release datetime of the evaluation in ISO 8601 format. | |
evaluatorId | UUID | A unique identifier of the user who evaluated the interaction. | |
formId | UUID | ID of the evaluation form used. | |
mediaType | String | Media type(s) associated with the conversation. | ✔ |
queueId | UUID | The ID of the associated queue. | |
released | Boolean | Whether the evaluation has been released. | |
rescind | Boolean | True if this score should be rescinded. | |
rescored | Boolean | Whether the evaluation has been rescored at least once. | |
teamId | UUID | Team ID(s) associated with the conversation. | |
userId | UUID | ID of the agent the evaluation was performed against. |
Survey Dimensions
Dimension | Type | Description | Preview |
conversationId | UUID | Conversation ID this survey is tied to. | |
divisionId | UUID | Identifier(s) of division(s) associated with this conversation. | |
externalContactId | UUID | The ID of the external contact that will be taking the survey. | |
mediaType | String | Media type(s) associated with the conversation. | |
queueId | UUID | The ID of the associated queue. | |
requestedLanguageId | UUID | Language ID(s) used to assign the conversation. | |
requestedRoutingSkillId | UUID | Skill ID(s) used to assign the conversation. | |
surveyAnswerId | UUID | The ID(s) of selectable answer(s) in a question on a survey. | |
surveyCreatedDate | DateTime | Creation datetime of the survey in ISO 8601 format. | |
surveyErrorReason | String | The cause of the survey error state. | |
surveyFormContextId | UUID | Unique identifier for the survey form, regardless of version. | |
surveyFormId | UUID | ID of the survey form used. | |
surveyFormName | String | Name of the survey form used. | |
surveyId | UUID | ID of the survey. | |
surveyPartialResponse | Boolean | Whether the survey was completed with any required questions unanswered. | ✔ |
surveyPreviousStatus | String | The previous status of the survey. | |
surveyPromoterScore | Integer | Score of the survey used with NPS. | |
surveyQuestionGroupId | UUID | The ID(s) of question group(s) on a survey. | |
surveyQuestionId | UUID | The ID(s) of question(s) on a survey. | |
surveyStatus | String | The status of the survey. | |
surveyType | Enum (Voice, Web) | The type of the survey. | ✔ |
teamId | UUID | Team ID(s) associated with the conversation. | |
userId | UUID | ID of the agent the survey was performed against. | |
wrapUpCode | String | Wrap-up code(s) associated with this survey's conversation. |
TaskManagement Dimensions
Dimension | Type | Description | Preview |
assigneeId | UUID | The ID of a workitem's assignee. | |
divisionId | UUID | The ID of a workitem's division. | |
externalTag | String | The external tag of the workitem. | |
queueId | UUID | The ID of the queue that a workitem is associated with. | |
reporterId | UUID | The ID of a workitem's reporter. | |
requestedLanguageId | UUID | Unique identifier for the language requested for a workitem. | |
requestedRouting | Enum (Bullseye, Conditional, Direct, Last, Manual, Preferred, Standard) | Routing type(s) for requested/attempted routing methods for a workitem. | |
requestedRoutingSkillId | UUID | Unique identifier(s) for skill(s) requested for a workitem. | |
statusCategory | Enum (Closed, InProgress, Open, Waiting) | The category of workitem's status. | |
statusId | UUID | The ID of workitem's status. | |
typeId | UUID | The ID which identifies the type of a workitem. | |
usedRouting | Enum (Bullseye, Conditional, Direct, Last, Manual, Preferred, Standard) | Routing type for used routing methods for a workitem. | |
userId | UUID | User ID who has modified a workitem. | |
workbinId | UUID | The ID of the workbin that contains a workitem. | |
workitemId | UUID | The ID which uniquely identifies a workitem. | |
wrapUpCode | String | The wrap up code set for a workitem. |