Blueprint FAQ
Genesys Cloud Blueprint FAQ
What is the purpose of a Genesys Cloud blueprint?
Genesys Cloud blueprints were built to help you get jump-started in building an application or integrating with a third-party partner. Genesys Cloud blueprints are not intended to be "turn-key" solutions that can just be used out of the box. Instead, they are meant to provide you with an outline to build and deploy your own solutions. The goal of a Genesys Cloud blueprint is to demonstrate how to carry out a task, but not necessarily do all of the work to "operationalize" the solution or make it hardened. Operationalization and "hardening" tasks are often very specific to an organization and can not be easily captured in a generic reference architecture.
Is there any additional cost to use a Genesys Cloud Blueprint?
No additional cost. All of our blueprints are released as open-source projects covered under the MIT license. The blueprints are freely available for use and consumption by anyone, but some of our Partner blueprints do require a license with the partner product they are integrating with in order to use the blueprint.
Since the Genesys Cloud blueprints are open source, is it supported by Genesys?
All Genesys Cloud blueprints follow the MIT license and support is "as-is". We do not provide a warranty or guaranteed Service Level Agreements (SLAs) or Service Level Objectives (SLOs) around blueprints. If you believe there is a defect in a Genesys Cloud blueprint please post your observation or question to our Developer Forum. The Genesys Cloud Developer Engagement team will evaluate at their discretion whether the defect will be addressed and will make a "best effort" to address any issues. The Genesys Cloud Developer Engagement team does monitor the Developer Forum and will try to answer questions or concerns as they arise.
If you need a higher level of support for a Genesys blueprint or need help turning a Genesys Cloud blueprint into a solution, please work with your Genesys Cloud sales representative or Genesys Cloud partner to contract for professional services support.
Can I modify a Genesys Cloud provider or make improvements to it?
Genesys Cloud blueprints are licensed under the MIT license. You are welcome to fork a Genesys Cloud blueprint project for your own use or you can contribute changes back to the blueprint project. Please be aware that while you may fork a Genesys Cloud blueprint, Genesys Cloud is not responsible for supporting any of the changes made to a project you have forked. Contributions back to a Genesys Cloud blueprint project will need to be reviewed and if approved by the Genesys Cloud maintainers, merged. Support for any contributed and merged changes is still "as-is".
Who authors a Genesys Cloud blueprint?
Genesys Cloud blueprints are authored by Genesys Cloud Developers, our partners, and even our customers. Genesys Cloud blueprints often are written in response to a specific solution that a customer or partner has tried to implement. The blueprints often demonstrate how to integrate Genesys Cloud blueprints with other platforms.
What level of skill do I need to implement a Genesys Cloud blueprint?
That is a tough question because it is subjective. Some of our blueprints involve deploying solutions across multiple cloud providers with the majority of the blueprint being done through CX as Code and Terraform. Other blueprints are purely UI configuration guides. Each blueprint will contain sections that define the specialized knowledge required for the blueprint, the technologies you will need to understand, along with any permissions. Carefully review the blueprint requirements and assess your own readiness to undertake the blueprint. If you have questions about a Genesys Cloud blueprint, please do not hesitate to post on our Developer Forum.