Configure Messenger for authenticated web messaging
The AuthProvider plugin allows you to customize how you generate the authorization code that is used by Genesys Cloud Messenger. Refer here for detailed information on how to configure Messenger for authenticated web messaging.
Genesys('registerPlugin', 'AuthProvider', (AuthProvider) => {
// *********
// getAuthCode
// reAuthenticate
// signIn
// *********
// signedIn
// signInFailed
/* Register Command - mandatory */
AuthProvider.registerCommand('getAuthCode', (e) => {
// Add the necessary logic and resolve with the authCode and redirectUri provided by your Authentication provider. Messenger will call this command to get the the tokens.
authCode: <brand auth code>, // pass your authorization code here
redirectUri: <your redirect uri>, // pass the redirection URI configured in your Authentication provider here
nonce: <your nonce>, // pass the random string preferably in uuid format. Applicable for OKTA provider.
maxAge: <your maxAge>, // pass elapsed time in seconds. Applicable for OKTA provider and it is an optional parameter.
codeVerifier: <your code verifier> // pass your code verifier here when PKCE flow is enabled
iss: <your iss>, // pass your iss here. It is an optional parameter provided in the authorization response by your Authentication provider.
AuthProvider.registerCommand('reAuthenticate', (e) => {
// Messenger will call this command when current refreshToken and/or authCode are no more valid. Brand can add logic here to simply re-login and resolve this command after successful login so that Messenger can get the new authCode. (In case when browser needs to reload for a login, there is no need to resolve this command). Note: After a successful re-login, calling the getAuthCode command is taken care internally and there is no need to call it explicitly again.
document.getElementById('myLoginButton').click(); // simulate the login button click
/* Register Command - optional */
AuthProvider.registerCommand('signIn', (e) => {
// This command will let Messenger know that the user is not signed-in yet (although Messenger is initialized) and it can now try to sign-in later.
// Write your logic here to trigger the login process by gathering the user credentials from your preferred location.
// Messenger calls this command when Step-up conversation is enabled.
if (signedInSuccessfully) {
AuthProvider.publish('signedIn', data); // REQUIRED event {authCode: xxx, ...} to let Auth plugin know so it can re-initialize Messenger with authenticated details.
e.resolve(data); // where 'data' is as discussed in the return data section here -
} else {
AuthProvider.publish('signInFailed', error); // REQUIRED event to let Messenger know that sign-in failed so it can reset its UI state.
/* Subscribe to Auth plugin events */
AuthProvider.subscribe('Auth.loggedOut', () => {
// This event is published across the browser tabs/devices where the user is logged in, so you can do something on logout.
// For example, clear any authenticated flags that you might have set during login.
/* Subscribe to Auth plugin events - optional */
AuthProvider.subscribe('Auth.authError', (error) => {
// This event is published across the browser tabs/devices where the user is logged in, so you can do something on logout.
// For example, clear any authenticated flags that you might have set during login.
/* Click Handlers */
// Handle logout
document.getElementById('myButton').onclick = function () {
AuthProvider.command('Auth.logout').then(() => {
// Do something on logout.
// For example, clear any authenticated flags that you might have set on login
// Tell Messenger that your plugin is ready (mandatory)