Archy Commands and Parameter Values
Command Help
Similar to other command line tools, you can get a listing of available commands by accessing help at the command line:
> archy --help
To get help on an individual command, you run the command with the --help
option. For example, if we wanted to get help on the refresh
command, we would run this at the command line:
> archy refresh --help
When you get help on an individual command, the help will contain information about the supported parameters as well.
Parameter Values and the Options YAML File
Similar to other command line tools, Archy supports supplying values to commands with command line parameters. Many commands also accept an options file. The options file is a YAML file where you specify a command line parameter and the value you wish to use. Then when running the Archy command instead of passing in a command line parameter and value, you specify the options file that will supply values.
We encourage use of options files. They provide a really nice mechanism to encapsulate parameter values which can be very handy for scenarios where you want to perform operations against one organization, then the same set of operations against another org, etc. etc. In automation pipelines, they are also handy to supply values for different environments as well.
Here's a quick example. We could run an archy publish
command like this:
archy publish --file myFlow.yaml --clientId xxx --clientSecret yyy
If you created an myOptions.yaml file that looks like this:
clientId: xxx
clientSecret: yyy
You could then run the archy publish
with the following:
archy publish --optionsFile myOptions.yaml --file myFlow.yaml
And yes, we could have put the flow YAML file in the options file too if we wanted. While it's not part of this article, options files also are where you specify substitution key / value pairs that will be processed by Archy as well.
Command Parameter Value Processing
So here is how Archy works when it is looking to get the value of a parameter when running a command. It's a simple hierarchy but shows why we have you set up default setting values with the archy setup
or archy configure
Command Line Parameter
- if when running a command and there is a value for a parameter supplied on the command line, that value is what will be used by the command.Options File
- if no value for a parameter is specified on the command line but is present as a key in the root of an options file, that value will be used. Processing an options file only happens if a --optionsFile parameter is supplied on the command line.Default Setting Values
- if there is no command line parameter and either no options file specified or the options file does not have the parameter value supplied, Archy will then look to see if the value is defined in the default settings. These values are set when someone runs thearchy setup
command at the beginning or runs thearchy configure
One nice thing is that when you run an Archy command, one of the very first things it will write out is the values it is using for command parameters and where it got the value from.
For example, almost all Archy commands have a debug command line parameter that enables additional diagnostic output. If you specify --debug true
as a command line parameter, Archy will use that value. Next, if the command accepts an optionsFile parameter and you specified --optionsFile ~/archy/archyHome/dev/options.yaml
then Archy would look for a debug key in the options YAML file and use that. Finally, if there is no options file specified or the options file doesn't have a debug key and the value one is store in the Archy configuration, Archy will look for the value there.
Parameter Value Output
When you run a command, one nice thing that Archy does is it outputs the parameter values being used for the command and where it got the value. Here is example output on an archy publish
Runtime Configuration
authToken: ''
source - undefined
clientId: '<this would be the real client id value that is being used>'
source - options file: '/Users/john.smith/archy/automation/archy-tests/src/optionsFiles/optionsFileCommon.yaml'
clientSecret: '<this would be the real client secret value that is being used>'
source - options file: '/Users/john.smith/archy/automation/archy-tests/src/optionsFiles/optionsFileCommon.yaml'
debug: true
source - command line parameter
file: '/Users/john.smith/archy/automation/archy-tests/src/flowYamlFiles/basicFlow.yaml'
source - command line parameter
forceUnlock: false
source - default value
location: 'prod_us_east_1'
source - options file: '/Users/john.smith/archy/automation/archy-tests/src/optionsFiles/optionsFileCommon.yaml'
optionsFile: '/Users/john.smith/archy/automation/archy-tests/src/optionsFiles/optionsFileCommon.yaml'
recreate: 'false'
source - default value
Archy Default Setting Values
If you want to see the default configuration setting values currently configured, you can do this with the following command:
archy dump
And if you want to set values, such as the default client id / secret you wish to use when running Archy commands, you can do this by running the following:
archy configure
You can also run archy setup
because setting up Archy default setting values is part of the overall setup process. The thing to remember is that supplying Archy default setting values is one part of the setup process which does more stuff as well.
This behavior is nice because if you set up the client id / secret in the Archy configuration, you can run Archy commands and not have to specify values each time you run the command since Archy will fall back and use the value in the configuration.
Archy - Ver. 2.33.1, generated on January 3, 2025