Reporting Issues with CX as Code
CX as Code is modeled after the MIT open-source license and support is "as-is". Please carefully review the license found in the CX as Code Resource Provider GitHub repository for specific details contained in the license.
What Happens if you believe there is a defect in the CX as Code provider?
If you believe there is a defect in CX as Code please post your observation or question to our Developer Forum. If the Genesys Cloud Developer Engagement believes there is a defect they will open an internal ticket to track the issue. Since CX as Code does not have an SLA or SLO, best effort will be made to resolve the issue. Be aware though, that the Genesys Cloud Developer Engagement team takes defects seriously and they will work diligently to resolve the issue.
NOTE: This policy in the above paragraph is for CX as Code only. For product and API defects please open a ticket with the Care team rather then going to the Developer Forum.
If you need a higher level of support than what is outlined here, please consider contracting with Genesys Cloud professional services. :::
Items that should NOT be reported to the Care team
The Genesys Cloud Developer Forum is a great place to ask specific questions about Genesys Cloud APIs, CX as Code resource functionality, and general best practices overall for Genesys Cloud APIs and CX as Code. The Genesys Cloud Developer Forum and the Care support portal are not meant to be used for architectural reviews or detailed design reviews for individual customer implementations.
If you need a higher level of support than what has been documented here, please consult with your Sales Account team to contract with Genesys Cloud professional services.
What if I want to request an enhancement to CX as Code or a new CX as Code resource?
The best way to make a request for a CX as Code enhancement or a new CX as Code resource to is open a ticket in the Genesys Cloud Ideas portal. Posting your idea in the Ideas portal will give other users an opportunity to vote on your request. The Genesys Cloud Ideas portal is used by the Genesys Cloud product managers to identify and prioritize new feature requests.