Access denied when trying to use api/v2/downloads/{downloadID}


We have a static link leading to a csv file. We want to download this file from a script, so we try calling API GET /api/v2/downloads/{downloadId} in our code. However it renders an error 403 : "Access denied for 27b8b546-07e7-4921-bdaa-1edaefa4bf47 for document s3://reporting-export-service-prod-euw1/reporting/exports/organizations/fd7e016e-82e1-4642-bb97-c1f32322c85f/51229362-35c3-451d-868f-efea1bdb4eb6.csv"The csv file is clearly recognized but we get an access denied. Yet the OAuth used has Master Admin role and even the dataExportStatikLink permission. We have tested with different values (true, false) for parameters issueRedirect and redirectToAuth, we still have the same error. Do you have any idea why we get an access denied while our OAuth has full access ?

Hi AlexisM,

Please create a Care Support ticket to report this issue

Hello Zino_Onokpise,
Thank you for your answer. Actually, I do not have access to My support Dashboard because I am not an administrator of my team. Do you know any contact able to solve this kind of API problem ?
Best regards