Access the participant ID?

We are hoping to access the participant ID of a call through the embedded framework so we can log the participant ID (and not just the conversation ID) in our CRM data, but it seems this particular ID is missing from all of the events. We do see how we can enable the participant ID to display within the softphone component by using the framework.js>config>display>call>framework.ParticipantId but that doesn't appear to expose that value anywhere else.

We know we could use the conversation ID to make a request to Genesys to retrieve all participant information and find the appropriate connected agent participant, but that seems like a lot of overhead to access a simple ID that should be exposed.

Are we missing something? Can anyone provide any breadcrumbs?

The intent of the condensed conversation model for the embeddable framework is that you don't have to manage/worry about participant IDs, as they're not immediately useful outside the context of the traditional conversation object within Genesys Cloud. If you're needing that ID, then fetching the conversation object from the platform is the route to go.

I'm kind of curious how you're finding this ID useful without the rest of the conversation object.

The key issue at heart is we want a unique ID per agent/customer interaction for our CRM, and that would be participant ID. We are tying CRM data to specific participants for our 3rd party call analysis tool, so the framework needs to log the participant ID to our CRM. Conversation ID doesn't cut it if a call is transferred within our environment.

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