Accessing PureCloud data using SQL queries or MS Excel

by: Dariusz Socha

July 21, 2017

Our Platform API and SDKs are so smart. Personally I love to work with them as they allow to access PureCloud functions from my own application just by a few lines of code. The API is also platform independent and it can be accessed from PC, mobile app or even form an IoT device. It’s really useful and it allows to create valuable customisations for our customers. However, this is only an application developer point of view. Data analysts which aren’t familiarised with C# or JavaScript can have a different opinion on this. They do prefer SQL queries instead of LINQ expressions or CSV files in place of arrays and collections. The API acronym may sound strange for them.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at


Is this still available? as the PCSD tool link doesn't exist.


It's been moved to our GitHub account:

the link for the install pcsd.installer%20v. is broken on there as well

I've updated the blog and the readme to remove all links to bitbucket. To get the installer, you'll need to build the project as the installers are not published on github.

Saw the instructions to build the project today but when we did we got pcsd.installer v.; currently before this we had downloaded pcsd.installer v.

Is this correct? The source on GitHub seems quite old (more than a year) compared to v.1.6 which I thought was released sometime between late in 2017 and early 2018.

@pierrick @Szlaski_Daniel can you advise on the versions?

Hi, repository has been moved to:

Hi Dariusz, I would like to feed data from the PSCD utility to our in-house SQL Server. The example you have above has SQL Server authentication. Can you confirm that we can connect with an AD account as long as it has admin rights on the SQL Server? Can you provide a connection string example for this?
Also, presumably the tables etc. are only added the first time the data feed is done? Can we have admin rights on the first run and then remove these for subsequent runs when just doing data imports or does the application drop tables etc. each time? Thanks

We have problems accessing SQL Server via PCSD. I create a sql user named purecloud as per instructions but the PCSD dispactcher fails with a login failed error.

Hi trying to access bitbucket link access denied is there another link ?

The PCSD project hasn't been maintained for quite a while now, and the original authors have taken the code down.

I have a customer asking about the PCSD OAuth. Is this now not available?

Since the authors are not maintaining it and took the code down, it is not available.