Activate user by resetting its password


Have you changed the behaviour of POST api/v2/users/{userId}/password?

A few months ago, when that request was made to reset the password of an inactive user, apart from changing the password it also activated him/her.

In fact, I was trusting that behavior for one app that I made last year that activated and changed multiple passwords at the same time. However, I ran it today and it looks like it is no longer activating them :frowning_face:

Hi Adrian, this behavior change wasn't announced, so I would consider it a bug. Please report it via opening a case with Genesys Cloud Care.

Thank you Tim. I've opened a case as you said.

Hello everyone! I've spoken with customer support, and they said:

As per Dev Team at this time they will not be re-introducing this functionality as it is viewed as a security concern.
The customer will need to make an additional call to the PATCH endpoint to update a user to update their state separately: API Explorer (

@tim.smith, I suppose then it was an unannounced API change?

I don't have any details about this. You'll have to continue to work with Care to investigate this issue.

Oh, Customer Care considered the case as resolved. I was saying it in case you needed to announce/register it somewhere.

We can't handle support issues, like handling reports of unannounced breaking changes, via the forum. Please reopen the case with Care if you need additional information from them or need to report additional issues.