Agent cannot receive inbound call when on queue

We are developing a call system based on javascript sdk and web rtc sdk. The problem is that when agent is on queue in our system(without opening genesys's own application), genesys did not allocate the call to the agent(From the analytics panel, it is clear that the agent is on queue at that time but the ACD did not give the call to the agent).

Then the agent opened our system and genesys's own application at the same time, he can receive call in both systems, which is expected. After that, if he close genesys's own application, he could start receiving calls in the system.

We are wondering if there is anything we should do with the sdk to avoid the situation. Thanks.

Without any details, it's hard to say why your app isn't working as expected. Your app is held to the same requirements as the out of the box app. A user has to have their presence and routing status set correctly, be a member of and activated in queues, and be assigned a station that's active and able to receive calls.

If you need further assistance troubleshooting call assignment, please open a case with Genesys Cloud Care to investigate further as customer-specific data cannot be investigated via the forum.

Thank you very much for the explanation. We will be issuing a case with Genesys Cloud Care. Meanwhile, could you illustrate the methods/apis that we can use to check the activated status of an agent in a queue and of his station? We can confirm his presence and routing status are correct and he could receive a direct call from other agents.

GET /api/v2/users/{userId}/queues

GET /api/v2/users/{userId}/station

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