Agent metrics for chat interaction


I would like to know how we can retrieve for a specific time, how many chat interaction are handled for each agent in order to propose the widget chat from the website. (if agent can handle chat, the customer can start a chat trough widget, if not the widget is hidden).
This API is used : api/v2/analytics/queues/observations/query with this request :
"filter": {
"type": "and",
"predicates": [
"type": "dimension",
"dimension": "mediaType",
"operator": "matches",
"value": "chat"
}, {
"type": "dimension",
"dimension": "queueId",
"operator": "matches",
"value": "ffe41a7d-c638-462c-b154-jzdnb69ed7f0"
"metrics": ["oInteracting"]

I have observed when the agent is in conversation with customer the metric oInteracting is +1,and when the agent finishs the conversation it means "clic close chat button" the oInteracting metric is decreased - 1, so the wrapupcode code selection is not taken in consideration in the evaluation of this metric.

For example, if the agent has a max chat utilisation configured with the value 2, if the agent is handling 2 interactions, for the first interaction, the agent is interacting and for the second interaction he clicked on the close chat button and never selects a wrapupcode.
This sitation leads to the "oInteraction" metric" is 1, It means for the specific development, the agent is available for another chat interaction although in true he isnt, because the metric "ointeracting" doesnt take in consideration if the wrapupcode has been selected. Contrary to the voice interactions, which would end without a wrap up code.

Which metric/formula I have to use for know for a specifc agent, how many chat interaction are handled for a specific time ( with wrapupcode selected)?
What is the formula used by Purecloud for know if a agent is available or not for handle another chat interaction?

Many thanks. for your hints.

Genesys Cloud doesn't expose actual agent availability information. oInteracting will be close, but has limitations for this purpose that you've noted. You might also consider oWaiting to check the number of waiting conversations or oUserRoutingStatuses to check routing status aggregates. Definitions and the full list of metrics can be found at

If none of these are accurate enough, you'll need to get routing status and conversations for every agent in the queue, then manually consider the state of each agent and conversation to determine each agent's probable availability for additional conversations. This is no small feat, but is the only option to get availability other than the documented analytics metrics.

You can request new features, like exposing agent availability metrics directly, and share your use case at

Hi Tim,

Thanks for your feedback.

This API Get active conversation for the logged in user enables to know how many chat interaction are connected or discconected for each user, like this I can detect the user who has not configured the wrapup code


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