Agent name using conversationID

Is there an API that, given a conversationID, returns the agent that took that interaction?

The need is that I have an incoming message flow, there my agent will serve the client via web message that is deployed on an external website. At the end of that interaction, my website will trigger another interaction with the information from a survey that is given on the website itself. This new interaction will go through another flow, and there I want to obtain in some way (I was thinking of using conversationID) the name of the user who attended the original interaction to save it in the participant's data and thus have the two interactions linked.

Thank you!

You'd have to traverse the participant branch of the conversation tree to find the most recent agent, or the recent-Nth agent or whatever.

Thanks for the reply!. Basically it would be infeasible, since if you searched for the most recent agent or the recent-Nth agent it would be likely that the wrong agent would be found (if an interaction arrived and was attended to by another agent in that period of time)

Normally we handle things like that with external APIs to record the bits other systems need or passing those bits to them.
Someone may have a way to save that data to the participant attributes or similar to search for later but given your parameters I can't think of how.

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Thank you very much for the response, I hope you have a good day!

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