agentOwnedRouting missing as export CX as Code

I'm using the last genesys cloud provider for terraform, currently the version 1.31.0, and using the genesyscloud_tf_export resource it's not possible to get from queues the agentOwnedRouting parameters.

  • Allow Agents to Take Ownership (yes/no)
  • Agents can own a scheduled callback for X hours/days
  • Agents can schedule a callback in advance for for Y hours/day

"agentOwnedRouting": {
"enableAgentOwnedCallbacks": true,
"maxOwnedCallbackHours": 168,
"maxOwnedCallbackDelayHours": 720

Is it not available yet?

Hi Javier,

We have a ticket for adding attributes several attributes to the routing_queue resource, I will add agentOwnedRouting to the list. Thanks for pointing this out.


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