An error occurred in archy setup

Hello there!

My attempt to setup Archy is failing with the following error:

version:                      '2.19.0'

homeDir:                      'C:\workData\tools\archy\archyHome'
                              source - config file: 'C:\Users\yubin\.archy_config'

running refresh command.
- setting the endTerminatesProcess to false. -- [ArchSession, ArchSessionId:'xx']

startup Mode:  Using client ID and secret.  Treating as client credentials grant.

- setting session status to 'running'. -- [ArchSession, ArchSessionId:'xx']
navigator unavailable - setting operating system to unknown
- architect scripting version: 0.39.0. -- [ArchSession, ArchSessionId:'xx']
- core environment configuration.  env: 'prod', host: '', region: 'ap-northeast-1', clientId: 'xxxxx', clientSecret: xxxxx', isClientCredentialsOAuthClient: 'true'. -- [ArchSession, ArchSessionId:'xxxx']
- getting discovery properties... -- [ArchSession, ArchSessionId:'xxx']
- calling url. -- [GET::]
- ERROR! Unable to read discovery properties. Exception info: {"isRequestError":true,"response":{"code":"SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN"},"status":0,"statusText":"","name":"Request Error","message":"self signed certificate in certificate chain (SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN)","code":"SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN","isAborted":false}  ending the Session.  Setting the exit code to 99. -- [ArchSession, Environment:'prod', Host:'', Region:'ap-northeast-1', ArchSessionId:'r1Vdk8GFh']
- waiting for any pending work to complete before ending the session. -- [ArchSession, Environment:'prod', Host:'', Region:'ap-northeast-1', ArchSessionId:'r1Vdk8GFh']
- setting session status to 'ended'. -- [ArchSession, Environment:'prod', Host:'', Region:'ap-northeast-1', ArchSessionId:'r1Vdk8GFh']
- waiting for any pending work to complete before ending the session. -- [ArchSession, Environment:'prod', Host:'', Region:'ap-northeast-1', ArchSessionId:'r1Vdk8GFh']
- ending with exit code: 99. -- [ArchSession, Environment:'prod', Host:'', Region:'ap-northeast-1', ArchSessionId:'r1Vdk8GFh']
- the session is ending but is not configured to terminate the process in which it is running. -- [ArchSession, Environment:'prod', Host:'', Region:'ap-northeast-1', ArchSessionId:'r1Vdk8GFh']
- resolving session start promise. -- [ArchSession, Environment:'prod', Host:'', Region:'ap-northeast-1', ArchSessionId:'r1Vdk8GFh']
setting the Archy exit code to 116
An error occurred.

This side has ruled out company network issues.
How do I find out what caused the problem.

Hi Yubin,

The error message is failing because Archy is not able to access the following URL:

Even though you said the network was ruled out, I suspect otherwise. Were you able to open the above URL in your browser? If you are not able to access and download the file in your browser, something in your network is blocking access to the above file. If you were able to download it in your browser, I would open a ticket with our Care team as this will need to be investigated by the Architect team that owns archy.

John Carnell
Director, Developer Engagement

Hi Yubin,

To just tag on a little extra to what John provided, it would also be worthwhile to check if you can access the link John mentioned from the command line utility you are using. In the exception info part of the logging I see self signed certificate in certificate chain (SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN) which would make me agree with John that it is something to do with either your network or possibly how your computer is managed. The error seems to indicate that you are using a self signed certificate.


Hi John Carnell,

I can access the url through a browser, and I also can successfully make curl calls directly in Window Powershell.

PS C:\Users\yubin.weng> curl

StatusCode        : 200
StatusDescription : OK
Content           : {97, 112, 105, 46...}
RawContent        : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
                    Connection: keep-alive
                    X-Amz-Id-2: uUANW/7x4Qu/+QREeU0kbTsriwOBMEjzIimigqTDjo8iqCe6QgUqr6oKmDGF+Ea6n5qMrOjQx/JxbMXz92iuVw=
                    X-Amz-Request-Id: H7FY80Y9FF0Q0WXT
                    Accept-Ranges: bytes...
Headers           : {[Connection, keep-alive], [X-Amz-Id-2, uUANW/7x4Qu/+QREeU0kbTsriwOBMEjzIimigqTDjo8iqCe6QgUqr6oKmDG
                    F+Ea6n5qMrOjQx/JxbMXz92iuVw==], [X-Amz-Request-Id, H7FY80Y9FF0Q0WXT], [Accept-Ranges, bytes]...}
RawContentLength  : 972

PS C:\Users\yubin.weng>

Hi Jon,
I don't know how to find this self signed certificate.

Hi @Yubin,

Just a quick question, are you using a proxy at all for your networking configuration? Currently Archy does not have support for proxy configuration at this time.

I found this (Ignore invalid self-signed ssl certificate in node.js with https.request? - Stack Overflow) on Stack Overflow that may be a workaround, however it is discouraged on the nodejs documentation (Command-line API | Node.js v20.4.0 Documentation).


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Hi Jon,
I checked my network and it's not using a proxy.I found a post with the same problem as me.
Archy Setup Failing. But I can't find a relevant solution.

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