Conversation Lifecycle Event Schema.xlsx (14.4 KB)
EventBridge documentation here: About the Amazon EventBridge integration - Genesys Cloud Resource Center
HI all,
because there is not extra information about life cycle of each event bridge topics vs life cycle of the interaction, I have question about right topics for voice interaction to be possible monitor process of execution:
- flow execution for call started{id}.flow.start{id}.customer.start - flow execution for call is completed and continues to acd{id}.flow.end{id}.acd.start - acd completed and call routed to the agent{id}.acd.end{id}.user.start - agent/customer completed the interaction{id}.user.end{id}.customer.end - agent trasfered interaction to another agent{id}.user.end{id}.user.start - agent completed ACW and is back on-queue{id}.acw
Are these topics for whole voice interaction lifecycle correct?
Hi Radek, the Analytics Detail Events are for the conversation lifecycle for both voice and digital.
Hi Becky,
thank you for your information, but I miss which topic covers which state in interaction lifecycle.
On the other hand, during my tests I see that for example when I setup v2.users.{id}.presence notification, each change generates 3 messages into my bus, but when I setup the same topic in developer tool, it's generated only one json message.
Thank you.
Hi Becky,
We have beta activated and topics activated but we are not receiving events of this type. We have another org with same configuration and we are receiving OK. Who can help us to review why are not receiving events?
P.D.: I've posted in another part of the forum, I don't know were you consider better. Please feel free to delete one of the posts if needed
Hi Sergio, could you please email me directly at with screenshots of both configs (the working one and the not-working one)? Thank you!
Hello Becky, it is possible to obtain the complete data of the segments of a conversation using this EventBridge integration.
SEGMENT (Type): alert, callback, coaching, contacting, converting, delay, dialing, hold, interact, ivr, monitoring, scheduled, sharing, system, transmitting, unknown, uploading, voicemail, wrapup