Any means to extract Dashboard Configuration

I'm reviewing a number of dashboards which for reasons unknown have different metrics against queues when they are meant to be the same. One presumes the owner added a queue to one widget and forgot to add to the other, or forgot to delete form one and not the other. IN any case I like to solve this programmatically as the dashboard editor woefully doesn't even sort the queue's alphabetically so whenever there's more than 20 or so it becomes harder to cross check "by eye".

I predict there is no way to get the configuration other than browser network mode logging which is what I am doing currently to capture the requests that are made. It's fine for me to do it like this but I'd like to help my users with a tool to make it possible for them to discover mismatches in their panels.

e.g. I have one dashboard with 16 metrics which are grouped in pairs - calls answered + TSF. I noticed in several cases the metrics had slightly different sets of queues which of course confuse the casual observer.

This is just in case there is some API means that I haven't seen.


The discussion in this thread should be relevant to your issue: Tutorials on telephony-ese? 😁 - #2 by tim.smith

Thanks for the reply Tim, I'll take it as confirmation I'm not missing anything cool. Just a case of no endpoints or convenient method to find out what a dashboard is. One must open each dashboard in the UI and capture network logs via browser then collate the requests made to find out what queues/agents/metrics the dashboard owner selected.

Somewhere in cloud, there will be a json file containing the design of each dashboard. I'll put in a suggestion if there isn't already one to expose that via an endpoint.

It's not really like that. Don't think of views/reports as just a prettied up dump of API data. Consider them as applications that aggregate data from multiple API requests then apply calculations and formatting to produce the report. There's not a 1:1 mapping between a view and an API response. What you're asking for is much more akin to source code than a template.
That said, absolutely do share what you're looking for on the ideas site and include your use case. Ideas submitted there help with prioritization of new features and documentation.

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