Any way to ignore missing dependencies on "archy update"

Say for example you want to check in a version of the flow that has a few missing dependencies such as data table, prompt, data action. Is this possible? not publish, but the simple check in where a developer can manually edit?

Thanks! I didn't see anything in the documentation, but figured this would be the place to check.

Hi @whoff,

At this time there is not a way to include dependencies (such as data tables, prompts, data actions, etc) in your YAML that do not exist in the organization and still have a flow be updated/created.

One potential way to still get a flow checked in with new actions configured in the flow would be to remove the configuration from the yaml where it defines the data table/prompt/data action, although this is probably not quite what youre looking for.

Feel free to suggest this as a new feature and share your use case at


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thanks! just wanted to check. Appreciate the fast response!

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