API for getting platform status


I'm trying to get platform status as shown on https://status.mypurecloud.com/

I tried to find an API for it but had no luck. Just want to double check here is there a way to get this data from an API (whether platform is operational in a certain region) ?

Kind Regards,

status.mypurecloud.com is powered by Atlassian StatusPage. They do have a public API, which you can find documented here: https://metastatuspage.com/api#status

You'd just replace their FQDN with status.mypurecloud.com .

Just note, Genesys has a LOT of components, as they roll the entire global deployment into a single StatusPage public-facing page. You're probably going to have to reverse engineer the data to extract only the region(s) and services you care about. If you only care about incidents, it's a bit easier, since that'll be a much smaller list of items.

The structure they use for Components is like this:

  • Service Name (ex. "Platform")
    ** Region Name 1 (ex. US East 2)
    ** Region Name 2 (ex. US West 1)
    ** All other regions

So you would need to pull each service's component, and then look at the components inside that to find out the names of the regions, to then look at that one. You can do this in a single API call and do all the processing locally, though, which makes it efficient to work with, at least.

I mostly write in PowerShell, so I threw this together, which gets every service status for the US East region.

#get all data in one shot
$response = invoke-restmethod 'https://status.mypurecloud.com/api/v2/summary.json'

#get the top level components, ex. Platform, Fax, Documents, etc.
$components = $response.components | Where-Object group -eq $true

#get just the components for US East
$east = $response.components | Where-Object name -like "*US East*"

#map the service name to each component and add as a property (StatusPage only uses ID's by default)
foreach($c in $east){
    $servicename = ($components | where-object id -eq $c.group_id).name
    $c | Add-Member -NotePropertyName group_name -NotePropertyValue $servicename -Force

#sort and print the output as a table (just the stuff in US East)
$east | Sort-Object -Property group_name | Select-Object -Property group_name,status | format-table

That'll output like this:

group_name              status
----------              ------
ACD Routing             operational
Chat                    operational
Co-Browse               operational
Data Sync Integrations  operational
Directory               operational
Documents               operational
Email                   operational
Fax                     operational
GenesysCloud Soft Phone operational
Inbound Calls           operational
IVR                     operational
Login                   operational
Outbound Calls          operational
Platform                operational
Quality Management      operational
Recording               operational
Reporting               operational
Screen Share            operational
Scripts                 operational
Social                  operational
Video                   operational
Voicemail               operational
Workforce Optimization  operational

Thanks for the detailed reply! This is exactly what I need.

Much appreciated.

Could you also explain the steps for .NET SDK

This isn't part of the Platform API SDK as it's not part of the platform. This is a service external to Genesys Cloud. To get that JSON file in your .NET app, just do it the normal way for making a HTTP request. If you're not familiar with how to do that, I'd recommend searching google/stackoverflow for something like "C# how to download JSON file from URL".

I understood this step and know the steps make http request in C# or VB.Net and able to get response but not clear with rest of the steps

The code that was shared appears to be very well commented. Which step are you struggling with? We don't offer consultation to walk you through general programming tasks here, that would be something you would hire PS for. But if you can ask a pointed question, I can try to answer it for you.

This is the peace of code to get status of genesys cloud services in C#
But how do we check operational status for Genesys platform Api status . Should we refer to platform service?

using System.Text.Json;

namespace GCStatusPOC
public class StatusAPI
public async Task GetStatus(string region = "US East")
// Make HTTP request to the API
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
StatusSummary response = await client.GetFromJsonAsync("https://status.mypurecloud.com/api/v2/summary.json");

        // Filter components for US East
        List<Component> eastComponents = response?.Components.Where(c => c.Name.Contains(region)).ToList();

        // Get top level components
        List<Component> topLevelComponents = response.Components.Where(c => c.Group.Value).ToList();

        // Map service name to each component
        foreach (Component c in eastComponents)
            string? serviceName = topLevelComponents.FirstOrDefault(tc => tc.Id == c.group_id)?.Name;
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(serviceName))
                c.GroupName = serviceName;

        // Sort and print the output as a table
        eastComponents = eastComponents.OrderBy(c => c.GroupName).ToList();
        foreach (Component c in eastComponents)
            Console.WriteLine($"Service: {c.GroupName} service status in {region} region is {c.Status} ");
public class StatusSummary
    public List<Component>? Components { get; set; }

public class Component
    public string? Id { get; set; }
    public string? Name { get; set; }
    public bool? Group { get; set; }
    public string? group_id { get; set; }
    public string? Status { get; set; }
    public string? GroupName { get; set; }

That would be "platform"

Thanks for letting me know and my last query regarding this https://status.mypurecloud.com/api/v2/summary.json
Api response is I see scheduled_maintenances array property in the response. Could you provide information related to the scheduled_maintenances properties or some documentation regarding it or sample json response related to scheduled_maintenances.

I can't find any documentation from Atlassian about that property, but it's unused AFAIK. Genesys Cloud doesn't have scheduled downtime; we use a continuous delivery model: Continuous delivery model - Genesys Cloud Resource Center.

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@Dileepkaranki I checked with our release management team just to be sure, and it turns out we do actually use the scheduled maintenances as it mentions on the continuous delivery resource center page. It's just so rare I've never heard of it happening.

I couldn't find any documentation from Atlassian to help you understand what to expect in the scheduled_maintenances API property though. If you contact Atlassian's customer support, they may be able to provide you with the documentation for their status page api. I tried looking on google, but the only things I could find were for a v1 statuspage.io API that looks nothing like what's returned from https://status.mypurecloud.com/api/v2/summary.json. I would recommend putting something in your integration that will alert you if there's ever anything more than an empty array there so you can take a look at it and build something to handle it.

I created a Forum in attlassian community will let you know if i get some response.

Hi @Dileepkaranki

Here is some information I found about scheduled maintenance that you might find useful:

Got response from Attlassian community regarding scheduled_maintenances schema.
Steps are mentioned below

  1. Browse Genesys Cloud Status - API
  2. Then go to All scheduled maintenances
  3. click for example and schema will be shown.

Thanks and Regards

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