API /JSON Documentation / Data Schema


I am looking for documentation for the APIs, data schema/dictionary.

I would like to know all possible name(key) / value pairs for Each API in the resulting JSON
• Define the possible data types for the key/value:
o Null
o String
o Number
o True/false
o Object
o Array
• For the key/value pairs that have a fixed list of values, define all possible values
• Definition of fixed values i.e.
o “howEnded”: “Disconnect”
o “disconnectType”: “peer”
o “type”: “System”
o “purpose”: “ivr”
o Etc.

I hope I am using the correct terminology, I am not a developer, but I want to communicate with my developers effectively & efficiently!

Hello, Genesys Cloud does not have a data dictionary as it is not an RDBMS-based system. You can find the API documentation here: https://developer.genesys.cloud/devapps/api-explorer. If you're trying to extract data from the API to store in a RDBMS, I would suggest looking over this blueprint: https://developer.genesys.cloud/blueprints/conversation-model-to-sql-blueprint/.

Hi Tim,
Thank You for your quick response! Again forgive me if I do not have the terminology right. I think I am close to what I am looking for.
Looking at the following: https://developer.genesys.cloud/analyticsdatamanagement/analytics/dimensions

Could I impose on you to explain what "Dimensions" is vs key(name) in JSON? The reason I say close is looking at some of the key/value pairs, I can not find several in this "Dimensions" documentation. A few examples are:

Also some enum values could use some definition, one example is:
disconnectType - Enum - noAnswerTransfer, notAvailableTransfer, other, peer
Is that documented someplace?
Everything I referenced is JSON from GET /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}

Your guidance is much appreciated! TYIA

Dimensions are documented here: https://developer.genesys.cloud/analyticsdatamanagement/analytics/dimensions

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