Api returns datetime a wrong value


I am building a script in python that use plaftorm sdk version 203.0.0. When we use:
apiclient = PureCloudPlatformClientV2.api_client.ApiClient().get_client_credentials_token(CLIENT_ID,CLIENT_SECRET)
usersApi = PureCloudPlatformClientV2.UsersApi(apiclient)
print(usersApi.get_users(page_size=100, expand = ['dateLastLogin','lasttokenissued','routingStatus','presence','integrationPresence']))

I got this strange response on the fields 'date_last_login, modified_date, last_token_issued':
'date_last_login': datetime.datetime(2022, 8, 10, 22, 12, 3, tzinfo=tzutc()),
'last_token_issued': {'date_issued': datetime.datetime(2022, 8, 10, 22, 12, 3, tzinfo=tzutc())},
'presence': {'id': None,
'message': '',
'modified_date': datetime.datetime(2022, 8, 10, 22, 24, 0, 335000, tzinfo=tzutc()),


Is it as should work? or is something wrong with my script? If it is a bug, shoud I open a case with customer support?


anyone, any comments?

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