API URL Certiifcation error

Hi Team ,

When We use the below URL (Web Service Data action ) > https:/


It is providing the error message “ REST call for action execute failed. Message:Unable to send message after 2 attempts, due to: SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target [c4295fad-1e38-4507-a03b-087ded07b1d6] ” "

We uploaded the .cert Certificate under "Telephony - > Certificate Authorities " provided by Client and saved it . After Saving it prompted message as Valid . But also we are getting the same error as above.

we referred the below URL Link ,


We still have doubts on below Questions , Please Elaborate the below

• How to define the Service-certificate as Managed or Unmanaged?
• What are the options mean? SIP/Provision/Provision-Phone
• How to attach the certificate to the configuration while making the call to external service

Kindly Suggest

That error indicates that the endpoint is not configured with a publicly trusted certificate. Data Actions do not provide any way for you to configure a "not publicly trusted" certificate to be trusted by your data action.

The telephony certificate management page you found is not related to Data Actions, sorry for the confusion there.

You can submit your idea / use case to https://purecloud.ideas.aha.io/


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